Report from Sarah Clancy on meeting of the Local Traveller Consultative Committee meeting of 19th September 2017

Report from Sarah Clancy Clare PPN’s representative on Clare County Council’s Local Traveller Accommodation Consultative Committee of meeting of September 19th 2017

Chair Mike McKee welcomed Siobhan Mulcahy to the role of representing Clare County Council’s Social Development Directorate on the LTACC. Siobhan took over from Sean Lenihan who has been moved.

Several actions which had been discussed at previous meetings were again discussed here and decisions were made as follows:

Traveller Needs Analysis:  It was agreed by the LTACC that Sarah Clancy should investigate how Traveller Needs Analysis for other counties were carried out and at what cost. Following this she will report back via email to the chair and Siobhan Mulcahy and they will see if funding can be allocated or sourced elsewhere for this work to be carried out.  The purpose of this project would be to make contact with all Travellers in Clare and to consult them as to their current and future housing needs and preferences and to ensure that all of those who are seeking accommodation from the Local Authority have applied through the correct channels in order to be considered for it and if not that they would be assisted to do so.

Sanitation for Roadside Sites: It was decided that the community, Traveller and Councillor representatives on this committee would once again make a request by letter to the CE of Clare County Council Pat Dowling, that provisions should be made for sanitation, waste disposal and electricity for Travellers currently living in unofficial sites around the county with particular reference to the onset of winter. Cllr Mike McKee is to draft this letter with the assistance of Bernie McDonagh.

It was decided that Sarah Clancy would write to the new traveller led Approved Housing Body CENA and invite them to present to Clare LTACC.

It was noted that due to the current market, relying on the private sector to provide housing for the Traveller community is not feasible or likely to be successful and on that basis it was agreed that a discussion about the possibility of using ethnic identifiers for Travellers applying for housing and the possibility of investigating whether a ‘positive discrimination’ approach where approved housing bodies working with Clare County Council could be requested/required and funded to provide Traveller specific or quotas for Travellers should take place at the next meeting.


The next meeting was scheduled for November 7th.



Report from Clare PPN rep Mary O’Donoghue on the Local Community Development Committee Meeting which took place on Sept 14th 2017

Report from Clare PPN Social Inclusion Representative Mary O’Donoghue on LCDC Meeting September 14th 2017.

Mary O’Donoghue represents the social inclusion college of Clare PPN on this committee.

Mary notes that it would be good to have a meeting of the Social Inclusion College of Clare PPN in advance of each LCDC meeting.

Agenda Item Main Points and Agreed Actions Note from Rep
Note – It would be good to have a social inclusion meeting prior to the LCDC meetings.
Healthy Ireland Fund


·         Very brief summary of applications under this fund was circulated for approval

·         Asked for Support and Capacity Building for groups applying for funding

·         Want to set up a Funding Sub-committee however this is difficult as most community reps could have conflict of interest.  Need further clarification

·         Co. Clare has signed up for Healthy County initiative which will support the National Framework and will along with CYPSE develop a plan for health and wellbeing

Note:  More and more funding programmes are being administered through LCDC yet LCDC does not have final say just a role in recommending to relevant department.  This is not a good process.
SICAP – Social Inclusion Community Activation Programme (with CLDC)


· New SICAP is in place for 2018 – 2022

· Closing date for tenders is 29th September

Social Inclusion Sub-group to meet to evaluate tenders –  training for members of sub-group available through Pobal

I have asked that when sub-groups etc are being established through the LCDC that social inclusion representation is not just confined to myself and Dermot as we are stretched – this is being considered and I will let you all know the outcome.

The training guide to completing the individual registration form gives more info on new SICAP and worth reading – Link to document

Next Meeting


·         Wednesday, 8th November



Report from Anny Wise on the Meeting of the Rural Development Strategic Policy Committee of September 12th 2017

Report from Anny Wise on the Meeting of the Rural Development Strategic Policy Committee of September 12th 2017

The official launch of the Clare Rural Development Strategy took place on Thursday 7th September in Kilmaley Day Care centre under a large Marquee. The following Tuesday the SPC for Rural Development met in the County Council offices and all the members were then informed of all aspects of this (first in Ireland) document which will set out Clare vision up to 2026.

This policy came out of a number of meetings by a Rural Development Forum which included 40 members from both elected, agencies and community organisations.  The whole scheme is new from the point of view that it is a bottom up system. that involved all stake holders and instead of ignoring the problems that is effecting Rural Ireland – it takles these head on with some very new initiatives.  I wish to thank the Forum of their long hours of work, mostly done on a voluntary basis and their future work – the next decision to be on the first years plan of action.   If any of you want to read the document it can be found here on Clare County Council’s webpage:

News report on the launch of the Rural Development Strategy can be read here:



11/9/2017 Report from Theresa O’Donohoe from the Economic Development Committee Meeting

Report from Clare County Council’s Economic Development Strategic Policy Meeting  of 11th September 2017

Theresa O’Donohoe is Clare PPN’s only representative on the Economic Development Strategic Policy Committee of Clare County Council. She represents the environmental college of Clare PPN but as the only rep on this forum she is always happy to raise any issues of concern or policy on behalf of all of Clare PPN’s members. Her report from yesterday’s meeting is on her blog here:

She can be contacted at if you have any comments or queries about this Committee.


Get Your Nominations in for Clare’s Older Person of the Year 2017

Clare Older People’s Council Older Person of the Year Award


The Clare Older People’s Council has asked us to make sure you know about their Older Person of the Year Award.

Between now and August 22nd they are looking for nominations of people over 55 years of age who have contributed positively to their communities through volunteering.

You can print off the application form at this link OPC Person of the Year Award and fill it in and return it either by post or email.

Email Address:

Clare Older People’s Council,
C/O Clare Local Development Company,
Unit 1, Kilrush Road
County Clare.


National Consultation on a new Strategy for Public Libraries Deadline July 28th 2017

Public Library Strategy 2018-2022 Consultation With Public Participation Network


The Department of Housing Planning, Community and Local Government, in conjunction with the LGMA and the Libraries Development Committee, has commenced the development of a new 5 year strategy for the public library service in Ireland.  As part of our early consultation on developing the new strategy, we would like to invite the Public Participation Networks to give some feedback on the progress of the Strategy developed to date. This is in advance of a more detailed public consultation which will take place in the Autumn.

You can read the draft strategy here:  2017 Library Strategy Draft Outline

Recent enhancements to the library service have greatly increased its value to the community.   The public library service can be very proud of the many initiatives delivered as part of the last strategy ‘Opportunities for All’ 2013-2017 which was a progressive programme for the development of our public library services.  Indeed the latest innovation launched on the 29 May 2017 is ‘Libraries Ireland’   – a  single library system  providing a single access for library members to over 15 million items in the 333 library branches across the country.  It is a landmark step in the positioning of the library as the ‘go to’ place for communities. Your views, as  Public Participation representatives are welcomed on what you consider will add to the new strategy and assist to inform its development so the public library is positioned to realise its full potential.


The term of our current public libraries strategy Opportunities for All, ends in 2017. A review of its progress and extensive early consultations has commenced to inform the development of a new strategy for the period 2018-2022.  The task is to­ identify key areas of focus for the next five-year strategy, taking account of new trends, developments and opportunities. 

Progress to date:

3 Thematic Programmes have been identified for the development and enhancement of the public library service during the period 2018-2022.

  1. Community Development,
  2. Literacy and Learning;
  3. Books/Reading & the Life of the Imagination.

Under each of these themes, a number of priority programmes will be designed and pursued, for example under Literacy and Learning, services and promotion of lifelong learning will be progressed.

Key questions:

  1. Do you feel the Thematic Programmes outlined would cover the most important services provided by libraries in your locality?
  2. If not, what others in your opinion could be explored and pursued?
  3. Is this likely to change significantly over the period 2018-2022?
  4. Do you have any other comments/suggestions on the proposed strategy?

How to Give Feedback  Deadline July 28th 2017: 

Please send your observations on the attached draft strategy outline attached here – 2017 Library Strategy Draft Outline (which consists of 3 thematic programmes and 6 underpinning elements for service delivery) to