Report from Anny Wise on the Meeting of the Rural Development Strategic Policy Committee of September 12th 2017

The official launch of the Clare Rural Development Strategy took place on Thursday 7th September in Kilmaley Day Care centre under a large Marquee. The following Tuesday the SPC for Rural Development met in the County Council offices and all the members were then informed of all aspects of this (first in Ireland) document which will set out Clare vision up to 2026.

This policy came out of a number of meetings by a Rural Development Forum which included 40 members from both elected, agencies and community organisations.  The whole scheme is new from the point of view that it is a bottom up system. that involved all stake holders and instead of ignoring the problems that is effecting Rural Ireland – it takles these head on with some very new initiatives.  I wish to thank the Forum of their long hours of work, mostly done on a voluntary basis and their future work – the next decision to be on the first years plan of action.   If any of you want to read the document it can be found here on Clare County Council’s webpage:

News report on the launch of the Rural Development Strategy can be read here: