Report from Clare PPN Social Inclusion Representative Mary O’Donoghue on LCDC Meeting September 14th 2017.

Mary O’Donoghue represents the social inclusion college of Clare PPN on this committee.

Mary notes that it would be good to have a meeting of the Social Inclusion College of Clare PPN in advance of each LCDC meeting.

Agenda Item Main Points and Agreed Actions Note from Rep
Note – It would be good to have a social inclusion meeting prior to the LCDC meetings.
Healthy Ireland Fund


·         Very brief summary of applications under this fund was circulated for approval

·         Asked for Support and Capacity Building for groups applying for funding

·         Want to set up a Funding Sub-committee however this is difficult as most community reps could have conflict of interest.  Need further clarification

·         Co. Clare has signed up for Healthy County initiative which will support the National Framework and will along with CYPSE develop a plan for health and wellbeing

Note:  More and more funding programmes are being administered through LCDC yet LCDC does not have final say just a role in recommending to relevant department.  This is not a good process.
SICAP – Social Inclusion Community Activation Programme (with CLDC)


· New SICAP is in place for 2018 – 2022

· Closing date for tenders is 29th September

Social Inclusion Sub-group to meet to evaluate tenders –  training for members of sub-group available through Pobal

I have asked that when sub-groups etc are being established through the LCDC that social inclusion representation is not just confined to myself and Dermot as we are stretched – this is being considered and I will let you all know the outcome.

The training guide to completing the individual registration form gives more info on new SICAP and worth reading – Link to document

Next Meeting


·         Wednesday, 8th November