Online Registration form for Clare Public Participation Network

Clare PPN is committed to working from an inclusive, social justice and anti-racist perspective and will not collaborate with or admit any group or individual who promotes the exclusion of, or demeans any other ethnicity, culture, belief, orientation or capacity.


* These fields are required.

Data Protection:
What will Clare PPN do with your information?
Groups joining Clare PPN are providing us with their contact details in order to enable them to be fully consulted and included in the local democratic processes as well as in the national network of PPNs. Groups joining the PPN are entering an agreement that the details they supply may be shared with other members of the network, with the elected representatives of the PPN, with members of Clare PPN’s secretariat, with the Environmental Pillar, with Clare County Council and with other bodies or persons who require access in order to facilitate the ongoing work of the PPN. When you join Clare PPN you are also agreeing to receive emails and newsletters from us. Clare PPN will not supply the information provided to it to any person or organisation not engaged in PPN work or activities or in the community and voluntary sector in Clare. In the future Clare PPN may display the names and locations of member groups on its website. Individuals or member groups may request to have their personal data supplied to them and/or removed from or updated on the register by giving 30 days’ notice to or by post to the address above.

For more information please go to:

If you would prefer you to submit your registration form by post you can print it here and post it to the address below.