Move Ireland (Men Overcoming Violence) are seeking a female board member

MOVE Ireland (Men Overcoming Violence), is a voluntary organisation which works to address domestic violence against women.  Their overriding goal is to promote the safety and wellbeing of women and their children, who have experienced violence and abuse in their intimate relationships. MOVE provides Domestic Violence Perpetrators Intervention Programmes for men where they are challenged to take responsibility for their abuse and to change their attitudes and behaviour and develop respectful, non-abusive relationships. Taking part in a MOVE programme can make a real difference to the lives of those involved, including children who have been affected.

Our member organisation Move Ireland who work to overcome violence against women and children in Ireland, are seeking a female board member to help them run the organisation.  The current board has a majority of men and for this reason they are currently only considering expressions of interest from women.  If you feel you have the skills and enthusiasm to help steer this organisation’s valuable work please read the information below and you can either contact the organisation directly or you can send Clare PPN an expression of interest as explained below and we will forward it to Move Ireland.  Please note this is not a PPN election and Move Ireland will aim to select a candidate that they feel most closely matches their organisation’s needs should one come forward.

Please email with the following information on or before March 3rd 2019.

1.Name, Address and Contact Details.

3. Brief Biography- your work experience, interests, skills and any experience you might have in the areas of domestic violence, counselling, organisational management etc.

4. Statement of interest: Please outline in 400 words or less your interest in becoming a voluntary board member of Move Ireland

Should you wish to find out more, you can contact our Chief Executive, Owen O’Neill at 065-6848689 or send us a brief email to outlining your suitability and motivation.

MOVE Ireland – Board Vacancy

The main objective of MOVE Ireland is to promote the safety and well-being of women and their children by developing and offering programmes and other appropriate interventions to men who are or have been violent or abusive towards their partners or children. More information is available at

If you support this objective, you may be able to help by serving on our Board. 

Person specification: MOVE Ireland values diversity, and we are committed to drawing Board members from a variety of backgrounds and perspectives.

Desirable Experience, Skills and Personal Qualities: Potential Board Members should be able to demonstrate some of the following:

Experience in or knowledge of the community and voluntary sector.

  • Experience in or knowledge of the domestic violence sector.
  • Previous board level experience.
  • Specific areas of skill such as corporate governance, regulation, human resource management, communications and public relations, strategic planning, organisational performance management, service development, accounting, financial management, risk management, etc
  • An enquiring mind, with the confidence to challenge constructively.
  • Recognition of the importance of supporting collective decisions.
  • Strong communication and listening skills.
  • Able to manage a wide variety of situations in a meeting and ensure that the outcomes are in the best interest of the organisation.
  • Commitment to the vision and mission of MOVE Ireland.

Time commitment  The time requirement of this role is estimated at about 6-8 working days per year. This includes:

  • Six 3-hour Board meetings per year which are usually held during working hours at our Head Office in Ennis, Co. Clare.
  • Annual General Meeting
  • Time to read papers and prepare in advance of each meeting
  • Optional involvement in sub-committees and advisory roles 

Training We encourage board members to undertake training as part of their role. This may be general training on governance or on specific to areas that individual board members decide to get more involved in. Training needs are identified on an ad hoc basis, and also through an annual board review process.

Benefits of joining the MOVE Ireland Board: As well as contributing towards promoting the safety and well-being of women and their children, this role also offers you an opportunity to engage with a dedicated group of board members, with varied backgrounds and perspectives and a committed staff team and to develop your own skills and expertise for the future.

Summary of Role – Member of the Board of Directors: The role involves playing an active role in the governance and strategic direction of the organisation.

Main Duties

  • To provide strategic leadership – periodically review the workings and structure of the organisation to ensure that it continues to work towards its main objective, as outlined in the Articles and Memorandum of MOVE Ireland and ensure that there are strategies and policies in place to support the objective.
  • To encourage a culture of openness, responsiveness and accountability – ensuring that MOVE Ireland complies with any relevant legal, accounting and reporting requirements. (Company Law, Charities Acts, Data Protection, funders requirements, etc)
  • Promoting responsible and effective management of organisational resources (financial and human).
  • To act with reasonable care and skill and at all times in the best interest of MOVE Ireland.
  • Developing and monitoring risk management strategies.
  • Developing and monitoring internal systems that are transparent and accountable to stakeholders.
  • Communicating with stakeholders and the public.

Status: Voluntary role – charity trustees may not profit from carrying out their Board duties. Travel and other reasonable expenses will be reimbursed.

Accountable to: Chairperson and the Board of Directors

Committee Membership: Optional

Clare projects benefit from €6.8m announcement – Rural Regeneration & Development Fund

Clare projects benefit from €6.8m announcement

Clare County Council has been successful in securing funding for five separate rural regeneration and development projects under the €1 billion Rural Regeneration and Development Fund (RRDF), a key component of Project Ireland 2040.

€6.8 million has been secured for projects in Loop Head, Lahinch, Doolin, Kilrush and Holy Island.

All RRDF projects applications were prepared and submitted to deliver on the targets of the Clare Rural Development Strategy. This involved collaboration across various Council departments, Municipal Districts, local communities and specific partnerships with Kilrush Amenity Trust and Lahinch Seaworld as stakeholders.


  • Lahinch Seaworld and Town Upgrade Project (€2,860,000): This project is a substantial upgrade of the Lahinch Seaworld community-run facility and associated public realm works in the town. It includes: The retrofitting of the Seaworld building; new public toilets; public realm works; completion of building of new Surf Rescue and Training Centre, Lahinch sports field, new car park and amenity area.
  • Vandeleur Estate, Kilrush (€1,720,000): This project will restore part of the historic Vandeleur Estate, which has been in existence since 1808. The project will respect the existing facilities and buildings within the surrounding area and will include a new museum; and development of arts and crafts facilities to promote local heritage.
  • Loop Head Visitor Attraction (€868,500): This is a significant tourism project which will refurbish and expand the facilities at the historic Loop Head visitor lighthouse attraction with a view to enhancing the capacity and attractiveness of the lighthouse.  The project will assist in the enhancement of the existing tourism offering in the area, delivering benefits to the wider community through increased activity.
  • Inis Cealtra Island (€920,500): Clare County Council will develop a detailed design for a visitor centre, a design for a new boat landing point including visitor trails and the production of an interpretation strategy for the island.
  • Doolin Pier: Clare County Council will develop a masterplan to develop a new visitor and tourist Centre at Doolin pier.

A separate Clare project has also benefited from funding totalling €666,300. Fáilte Ireland will develop a plan to solve critical congestion and visitor management issues along the Wild Atlantic Way at 15 key locations within the counties of Clare and Kerry.

View the list of successful applicant here: RRDF Successful Projects


Call for nominations for Clare County Council’s Rural Development Forum

Clare PPN is seeking nominations for three representatives to sit on Clare County Council’s Rural Development Forum.

December 4th 2018

NB: Closing date for nominations is December 14th

The Rural Development Forum which meets three times per year is comprised of more than 40 representatives from organisations in County Clare. One of its key achievements so far has been the consultation and launch of Clare County Council’s Rural Development Strategy 2026 which can be read at the link below:

Clare PPN’s representatives on the Rural Development Forum will have the chance to discuss and influence policy decisions, projects and strategies for the development of County Clare and to network with the other 40 members of the forum. We are seeking energetic people for all three roles who are willing to play an active role in both the Rural Development Forum and in consulting and feeding back to Clare PPN’s member groups.

We are now seeking nominations from Clare PPN member groups for the relevant positions:

1 Clare PPN Environmental College Representative

2. Clare PPN Community and Voluntary College Representative

3. Clare PPN Social Inclusion College Representatives

All groups who are members of Clare PPN on December 4th 2018 can nominate one person for one of these positions. If you don’t know which ‘College’ your group is in please contact us at  and we will check it for you.

Election Rules and Process

  • Only groups who were members of Clare PPN on 4th December 2018 are eligible to vote in these elections.
  • No individual can represent Clare PPN on more than one external committee or body.
  • Only groups who are members of the particular college can nominate a candidate for that college’s seat.
  • Each member group may nominate one candidate and may then cast one vote in the resultant election should we receive multiple nominations. It is each group’s named contact person’s responsibility to consult with their own members in regard to this.

How to nominate a candidate: 

Nominations are open from December 5th 2018 until December 14th 2018

In the event of an election being necessary voting will be open from December 14th – December 21st.

The next meeting of the Rural Development Forum is January 15th 2019 and it is our intention to have representatives in place for that meeting.

Groups wishing to nominate a candidate must seek the person’s consent first and then must send us an email to with the following information:

  1. Name of Community Group.
  2. Position number for which they are nominating a candidate.
  3. Name of proposed nominee.
  4. Contact details of proposed nominee.
  5. A short paragraph (up to 200 words) detailing the nominees’ suitability and experience for the role- this will be shared on social media and on our website in advance of voting.
  6. A photo of your nominee which we may share with our members and social media followers.

What happens then?

  • Clare PPN will confirm receipt of nominations by email.
  • Following the close of nominations, Clare PPN will circulate details of candidates to our eligible members and online  voting will be open for seven days.
  • The successful candidates will be informed immediately.
  • NB: Even if you have nominated a candidate you will still need to vote for them once voting opens to support their election.

For any further information about any of the above roles or Clare PPN’s election processes please feel free to call us on 087 1617375.

Network November – Community Networking and Training Events


Network November


  • ENNIS, November 8th Clare Education Centre.
  • NEWMARKET ON FERGUS, November 9th, Obair.
  • KILLALOE, November 16th Killaloe Hotel.
  • KILRUSH, November 23rd Teach Cheoil.
  • ENNISTYMON, November 30th Courthouse Gallery.

All events will run from 10.00 am – 2.00 pm.

What: Free community networking and training events taking place in Clare this November.

Who: These five events are a collaboration between Clare Volunteer Centre, Clare Public Participation Network, and Clare Local Development Company.


Media Contact: Sharon Meaney, Clare Volunteer Centre Manager  065 68455 13/

Clare Volunteer Centre, Clare Public Participation Network and Clare Local Development Company invite members of the public to join them at one of five free networking and community knowledge events they are hosting around the county this November.  Each event will include three short workshops on the topics of understanding conflict, recruiting volunteers, and making funding applications. These friendly, free events will also give those attending a chance to learn about the host organisations and what they have to offer community groups. After the workshops there will be a light lunch and a chance to network and meet the other attendees.  Sarah Clancy of Clare Public Participation Network said ‘In a rural county like Clare it is really important that our community organisations and groups know how to collaborate and work effectively together. We hope these events will make that process a bit easier and be supportive and enjoyable to those involved in making their communities better places to live’.

Workshops at each event are as follows:

Strengthening your volunteer programme – how to recruit the right volunteer

Do you need to recruit more volunteers for your organization ? How do you find the right volunteer? This short workshop goes through the basics that any organization needs to know.  This session will be delivered by Sharon Meaney, Clare Volunteer Centre Manager.

Fundraising and funding applications for community groups

Does your community group need support with how and where to apply for funding? This short practical workshop will look at some of the different funding opportunities available to community groups. This session will be delivered by Monica McKenna, Community Development Officer from Clare Local Development Company.

Understanding conflict – an introduction

This session will introduce participants to some of the underlying dynamics involved in interpersonal conflict with a view to helping people work positively together. This session will be delivered by Sarah Clancy of Clare Public Participation Network who is a trained mediator.

The Network November events are open to all those interested though advance booking is essential.

You can reserve a place online here (make sure you select the correct location!)

8th November: Ennis tickets
9th November: Newmarket on Fergus tickets
16th November: Killaloe tickets
23rd November: Kilrush tickets
30th November: Ennistymon tickets

or by phone to Clare Volunteer Centre on 065 68 455 13   Places for each workshop are limited to 20.       

Clare PPN submission in respect of the preparation of a draft Traveller Accommodation Programme 2019-2024

Clare PPN submission in respect of the preparation of a Draft Traveller Accommodation Programme 2019- 2024

August 23rd 2018

Clare Public Participation Network Submission in relation to the assessment of existing and projected Traveller accommodation needs and the preparation of a draft Traveller Accommodation Programme for 2019 – 2024 by Clare County Council.

Clare Public Participation Network welcomes this opportunity to make submissions in relation to the assessment of existing and projected need for accommodation for Travellers in Clare and the preparation of a Draft Traveller Accommodation Programme for 2019 – 2024.


At Clare PPN’s Plenary Meeting of November 30th 2017 the member groups of Clare PPN’s Social Inclusion College listed provision of support to the Travelling community and Traveller’s rights in County Clare as some of the key areas they wished the Clare PPN to focus on for the year ahead.

Clare PPN notes that at present it does not have a specific Traveller organisation amongst its membership and that such an organisation does not currently exist in Clare.  Clare PPN further notes that whilst it continues its efforts to build relationships with the Traveller community in Clare that it does not have the resources to function as a community development organisation or to carry out extensive research into any specific community.


Clare PPN is represented on the Local Traveller Accommodation Consultative Committee (LTACC). It should be noted that the LTACC in Clare has not met since January 2018 and that it requires considerable work, support and flexibility on the part of the Local Authority to develop it into a forum where views can be exchanged and strategic progress made towards ensuring that Travellers have access to culturally appropriate long term accommodation in the county. Clare PPN also considers that it is necessary and beneficial for most settled people who are engaged in the provision of services to the Traveller and other minority communities to undergo some cultural awareness and anti-racism training and is willing to assist Clare County Council in arranging such training for staff in relevant departments in consultation with Traveller groups and other minorities in the County.

Clare PPN further notes that it requested (by email dated Wednesday 15th August 2018) two changes to this phase of Clare County Council’s consultation process and to date has not received a response from that request.

Clare PPN requested firstly that the process should be recommenced in September 2018 in order to take account of the August holiday period and to allow for a more substantial participation by the Travelling community and secondly that the notice of needs assessment should be separated from the call for submissions in relation to the preparation of a draft Traveller Accommodation Programme. Clare PPN requested that these separate aspects should be carried out in sequence rather than simultaneously- with Clare County Council’s accommodation needs assessment being made available to the LTACC and other interested bodies before the deadline for their submissions relating to the preparation of the Draft Traveller Accommodation Programme.

Clare PPN regrets that the above request was not facilitated and notes that in the absence of LTACC meetings it was not possible to request the above changes except within this consultation process.


Clare PPN notes that since the current Traveller Accommodation Programme 2014- 2018 was adopted, that the Traveller Community have been recognised as an Ethnic Minority group. Clare PPN notes that in 2017 a report commissioned by the Department of Justice and Equality found that Travellers as a group experience extreme disadvantage in terms of employment, housing and health and face exceptionally strong levels of prejudice. Clare PPN considers that it is incumbent upon every state organisation to work positively and proactively to improve the experiences and outcomes for Travellers when they access the state services to which they are entitled. The National Strategy for Traveller and Roma Inclusion 2017 states the following

‘There should be adequate provision of accessible, suitable and culturally appropriate accommodation available for Travellers. Delivery of Traveller accommodation should be underpinned by a robust monitoring and evaluation framework, with a view to ensuring full expenditure of funds allocated for Traveller specific accommodation.’’

Clare PPN notes that the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission reported earlier this year that whilst Travellers make up less than 1% of the population in Ireland they account for 9% of the numbers of those experiencing homelessness.

Clare PPN notes from its communications with Travellers and Traveller organisations that they are optimistic and ambitious for the future of their community and believe that issues such as poor access to secure homes and low levels of employment can be improved significantly within the next decade if there is cooperation and lack of opposition from government and local authorities. Clare PPN notes that the Traveller population in Clare as detailed in the last Census (2016) stands at 905 individuals or 271 families as documented in the Annual Estimates of Accommodation of Traveller Families 2017. As Traveller unemployment as surveyed in 2010 stood at 82% and has not significantly decreased since then, it is clear that the provision of homes and other forms of culturally appropriate housing support for some members of the Traveller Community will, for the life of this draft plan 2019 – 2024, continue to be a function of the local authority or national government either directly or through approved housing bodies.

Clare PPN believes that it should be possible to provide secure culturally appropriate homes for the Traveller community in Clare which would help them greatly to achieve their ambitions to progress across all aspects of their lives from education, health including mental health, employment and community resilience. Clare PPN hopes that in the drafting of this Traveller Accommodation Programme 2019- 2024 that Clare County Council will demonstrate their commitment to ensuring that Clare is a place where the Travelling community are valued, respected and are able to improve their own circumstances with the assistance of their local authority.

Living Environment:

Clare PPN recommends that the new Draft Traveller Accommodation Programme would consider both accommodation and the wider living environment for Travellers when planning any new developments or when improving or maintaining existing ones. There should be access to services, transport, sufficient spaces for recreation and physical activity and attention paid to ensuring that Travellers have space to live in extended family groupings if they so wish and continue their hobbies, pastimes and trades as well as having access and opportunities to engage in the wider community and access education and employment. In order to address the severe disadvantage which Travellers experience it will be necessary to build secure sustainable culturally supportive living environments in which families, individuals and children can thrive.

Clare PPN wishes to have it noted that the new Traveller Accommodation Programme is being drafted in the context of a nation-wide housing ‘crisis’. It further notes that this is the first programme to be drafted since the introduction by the Department of Housing of the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) scheme and that there has to date been no analysis of how HAP has served the needs of those from minority communities including the Traveller community.  Clare PPN further notes that the provision of social housing by approved housing bodies has become a mainstay of social housing provision in County Clare and notes that according to reported figures as of 2017 only 4 Traveller families are listed as housed by approved housing bodies in the County.

Clare PPN recommendations for the assessment of existing and projected housing needs:

Clare PPN notes that work has been done this year on a peer to peer needs assessment in the county led Pavee Point and supported by the HSE’s Traveller Health Unit with assistance provided by Clare PPN and CLDC. Clare PPN recommends that if possible the Draft Traveller Accommodation Programme 2019- 2024 should be drafted in light of the findings of this needs assessment when it is complete and available.

Clare PPN also recommends that Clare County Council should make a concerted effort to ensure that the views and experiences in relation to accommodation of the Traveller community in Clare are canvassed before the completion of any assessment of existing and projected need.  Clare PPN notes the following two directions from the guidelines issued by the Department that indicate that this is within the scope and remit of Clare County Council to organise-

‘Additional inquiries as may be necessary, including consultation with Traveller families and any relevant Traveller support groups within the functional area of the authority, to ascertain a comprehensive picture of the existing and projected need for housing accommodation of Traveller families within their area for the period 2019 to 2024 to update their assessment of needs of Traveller families within their area.’

‘’For example, local authority officials may attend or arrange public meetings on Traveller issues and arrange broadly based ad-hoc area committees to address problems arising.’’

Clare PPN recommends that statistics on the following issues should be gathered from the Travelling Community and that policies to address the findings included in the draft programme:

  • Travellers experiencing over-crowding/forced sharing of accommodation.
  • Travellers experiencing homelessness and their experiences of accessing emergency accommodation including bed and breakfasts and hotels.
  • Travellers living in culturally inappropriate accommodation due to a lack of provision/poor standard of Traveller Specific Accommodation.
  • Travellers living in private rental accommodation which does not meet their needs or has not been inspected.
  • Travellers experiences of sourcing private rental accommodation under the current Housing Assistance Payment scheme.
  • The projected needs of young Travellers who may be likely to form new families during the life of the plan.
  • The particular accommodation needs of Travellers experiencing poor health and of people with disabilities within the Traveller Community.
  • The particular and projected needs of ageing Travellers in relation to accommodation.
  • Travellers in unofficial roadside accommodation should be surveyed for their preferences. Clare PPN notes that the guidelines for preparing the 5th Traveller Accommodation Programme include the following statement regarding unofficial or roadside sites:

‘Pending the provision of suitable permanent accommodation, local authorities should review the position of Travellers on the roadside or other unauthorised sites in their functional area in the light of the Guidelines on Basic Services and Facilities for Caravans and seek to improve the position of these families by considering making available such services, including water, toilets and waste removal if there are no significant legal, planning, environmental, social, technical or other restraints in so doing. The question of further closures of traditional or unofficial halting sites should also be reviewed pending the provision of adequate accommodation’.

Transient Sites– Following discussions with the Traveller representatives on the LTACC and with other advocacy groups Clare PPN strongly recommends that the provision of transient sites in Clare should be for the purposes of Travellers who are on the road and moving from place to place as is their tradition and that Transient sites should not be used as accommodation for Travellers who are ordinarily resident in County Clare.

Comments on the preparation of the Draft Traveller Accommodation Programme 2019- 2024.

Following the completion of a comprehensive assessment of existing and projected need by Clare County Council which is agreed between all stakeholders, Clare PPN calls on Clare County Council to draft a new Traveller Accommodation Programme that aims to fully meet all the identified needs.

Clare PPN calls on Clare County Council to zone and plan sufficient developments of all forms of Traveller Specific and general accommodation to meet Travellers’ needs and to immediately begin the process of applying for planning permission and funding for their completion. Clare PPN notes that throughout the current TAP Clare County Council had funding available to it specifically for Traveller Accommodation and that it failed to make full use of these funds. Clare PPN has noted the explanation that delays in planning processes are responsible for this repeated underspend and so calls on Clare County Council to ensure that following the completion of its agreed assessment that it should immediately commence the pre- construction processes for any developments planned and seek department funding for same. Clare PPN also calls on Clare County Council to ensure that its currently planned social housing developments do not change the designation of sites currently designated as Traveller Specific Accommodation without indicating how and where these will be replaced and seeking agreement from those affected.

Clare PPN further calls on Clare County Council to indicate in its Traveller Accommodation Programme whether it intends to continue its use of and funding of Approved Housing Bodies to provide social housing and if so how it intends to ensure that these bodies are resourced and required to provide accommodation to the Traveller Community and on what basis. Clare PPN would welcome a clear indication within the Traveller Accommodation Programme of which aspects of the programme it envisages being delivered by Approved Housing Bodies.


Clare PPN looks forward to continuing to engage in this process and welcomes any communications or queries in respect of this submission.

List of Clare PPN Community & Voluntary member groups

List of Clare PPN Community & Voluntary member groups


Deerpark Residents Assoc Ltd
Cooraclare Tidy Towns Committee
Shannon St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Meelick Graveyards Committee
Newmarket on fergus village centre residents association
Clare Irish Countrywomen?s Association
Newmarket on Fergus Men’s Shed
Meelick Development Committee
Woodcock Hill Enhancement Committee,
Clare Leader Forum
Mountshannon Tidy Towns
Clare Says No To CETA/TTIP
Cratloe Community Council
Riverdale Residents Association
Burren Animal Rescue
Clare Says No To CETA/TTIP
Acquired Brain Injury Ireland
Old Military Barracks Residents Association
Ballyea Development Association
Shannon Archaeological and Historical Society
Clarecastle & Ballyea Heritage & Wildlife
Clarecastle Village Market
Tubber GAA
Kilmihil Active Retirement
Newmarket on Fergus GAA Club
Fracking Free Clare
Miltown Malbay Tidy Town Committee
Tulla Community Council
Old Forge Residents Ass.
Doora Pastoral Council
The Shannon Venue Ltd
Ballyea Community Group
Newmarket on Fergus Tidy Towns
Shannon Hibernians AFC
Lahinch/Furglan Comunity Alert Area
Kilavoher Community
Lissycasey Community Playground
Shannon Athletic Club
Clare Archaelogical and Historical Society
Milltown Malbay Farmers Market
Bunratty Search and Rescue Service Ltd
Ballyvaughan Community Development Group
Clarecastle GAA
Ennis Macra na Feirme
Lions Club of Ennis
Public Banking Forum of Ireland
Corofin Tidy Towns
Shannon Tidy Towns
Sixmilebridge GAA Club
Liscannor Harbour Association
Generation in Action
Kilkee Development Association
Kildysart Squash Club & Gym
RESPOND Housing Association
Killaloe/Ballina Local History Society
Shannon Town Utd AFC
Quin Village Tidy Towns
Active Retirement Clare
Keelgrove Ballyglass Residents Asociation
Sixmilebridge Kilmurry Mens Shed
Ennis Tidy Towns
Dúchas na Sionna
Quin Community Text Alert Service
Ennis Men’s Shed
Kilballyowen Development Company Ltd
Kildysart Tidy Towns
Ballybeg Rockmount Community Alert Group
Cratloe GAA Club
O’Callaghan’s Mills GAA
Clondegad GAA Club
Clonlara GAA Club
Purple Flag Working Group
Carrigoran House
Meadowcourt Residents Association
O’Briensbridge Community Group
Ogonnelloe Hurling Club
Newmarket Handball Club
Clarecastle Men’s Shed
Spancilhill/Clooney Community Alert
Clare Roots Society
Carrigaholt Development Association Ltd
Ballynacally Tidy Towns
Ennistymon GAA Football Club
Kilkeedy Graveyard Conservation
Doonbeg Community Development Co. Ltd
Maigh Dara Residents Group
Clare Intercultural Network
Inagh Development Ltd
Rosán Bunraite Residents Association
Corofin Tourism Association
Banner Ladies GFC
Doonbeg Football Club
Ballyea Hurling Club
Promote Ennis
Tulla Scouts – 12th Clare
Dun na hInse Resident Association
St Senan’s Rugby Club
MURDAF – Clare Community Cluster
Feakle Community Council
5th Clare Scout Group
Powerscourt Residents Committee
14th Clare Scout Group
Clonard Riverdale Residents Association
Clouna Community Alert
Gleann an Oir Residents Association
St Senan’s Kilkee GAA Club
Ennistymon Recreation & Leisure
Second Chance Animal Rescue Limited
Parkville FC
Clarecastle Playground Committee
Corofin Local Development Association
Kildysart Community Group
Kilmihil Tidy Towns
Cronan Estate Residents Association
10th Clare Mountshannon Scout Group
Ballinruan Development Association
Tulla GAA
Bunratty Local Development Association
Kilmurry Harvest Festival
Ballynacally Community Alert
Barefield Tidy Village
Ballyvaughan Fanore Walking Club
Newmarket on Fergus Community Centre CLG
Oidhreacht an Chláir
Clare Walks LTD
Wolfe Tones na Sionna GAA Club
Kildysart Community Centre Committee
Scarriff Foróige Youth Clubs
Ennis Street Arts Festival
Kilmaley GAA Club
Éire Óg Camogie Club
Clarecastle Scouts
Loop Head Tourism
Newmarket Macra na Feirme
Seol Sionna
Ennistymon and District Community Organisation
Crusheen GAA Club
Meelick GAA Club
Clare Volunteer Centre
Bodyke Tidy Towns
Clarisford Association
Feakle Muintir na Tire
Ballyalla Lake Working Group
Ogonnelloe Community Centre Ltd
Clonlara Leisure, Athletic & Sports Society Ltd
RESPOND Support, Stone Court Residents Assoc
Killaloe/Ballina Mens Shed
Lisdoonvarna Failte Ltd
Oakleigh Wood Residents Association
St Josephs Doora Barefield GAA Club
Clarecastle Community Lotto
C.L.G. Coiste Chontae an Chláir
Shannon Archaeological and Historical Society
Cratloe Active Retirement
Kilmihil Peoples Park
St Josephs Miltown GAA
Tuamgraney Development Association
Meitheal Kilmaley Development Co Ltd
Tulla Courthouse & Community Development Ltd
Shannon Gospel Choir
Tic Toc Puppets
The Burren Way Limited
Bodyke GAA Club
Clare Garden Festival
Cullaun Sailing Club
Ennistymon Tidy Towns
Eire Óg Ladies Football Club
Castlecarraig Riding Club
Clarecastle Community Development Ltd
Clarecastle Tidy Towns
St Breckans GAA Club
Shannon Men’s Shed
Shannon Swimming & Leisure Centre
East Clare Community co-operative Society Ltd
Kilkee Chamber of Commerce
Ballynacally Development Association
Clare Community Games
Art In Studios
Corofin Community Playground,Baunkyle,Corofin,Ennis,Co.Clare
Boheraroan Estate
Ballyvaughan Playground Association
Residents Association of Carraig Dubh
Miltown Malbay Development Company
Quilty Action Group
Kildysart Graveyard Committee
Scariff Community Council
Rape Crisis Mid West
Crovraghan Slipway Project