Clare PPN is seeking nominations for three representatives to sit on Clare County Council’s Rural Development Forum.

December 4th 2018

NB: Closing date for nominations is December 14th

The Rural Development Forum which meets three times per year is comprised of more than 40 representatives from organisations in County Clare. One of its key achievements so far has been the consultation and launch of Clare County Council’s Rural Development Strategy 2026 which can be read at the link below:

Clare PPN’s representatives on the Rural Development Forum will have the chance to discuss and influence policy decisions, projects and strategies for the development of County Clare and to network with the other 40 members of the forum. We are seeking energetic people for all three roles who are willing to play an active role in both the Rural Development Forum and in consulting and feeding back to Clare PPN’s member groups.

We are now seeking nominations from Clare PPN member groups for the relevant positions:

1 Clare PPN Environmental College Representative

2. Clare PPN Community and Voluntary College Representative

3. Clare PPN Social Inclusion College Representatives

All groups who are members of Clare PPN on December 4th 2018 can nominate one person for one of these positions. If you don’t know which ‘College’ your group is in please contact us at  and we will check it for you.

Election Rules and Process

  • Only groups who were members of Clare PPN on 4th December 2018 are eligible to vote in these elections.
  • No individual can represent Clare PPN on more than one external committee or body.
  • Only groups who are members of the particular college can nominate a candidate for that college’s seat.
  • Each member group may nominate one candidate and may then cast one vote in the resultant election should we receive multiple nominations. It is each group’s named contact person’s responsibility to consult with their own members in regard to this.

How to nominate a candidate: 

Nominations are open from December 5th 2018 until December 14th 2018

In the event of an election being necessary voting will be open from December 14th – December 21st.

The next meeting of the Rural Development Forum is January 15th 2019 and it is our intention to have representatives in place for that meeting.

Groups wishing to nominate a candidate must seek the person’s consent first and then must send us an email to with the following information:

  1. Name of Community Group.
  2. Position number for which they are nominating a candidate.
  3. Name of proposed nominee.
  4. Contact details of proposed nominee.
  5. A short paragraph (up to 200 words) detailing the nominees’ suitability and experience for the role- this will be shared on social media and on our website in advance of voting.
  6. A photo of your nominee which we may share with our members and social media followers.

What happens then?

  • Clare PPN will confirm receipt of nominations by email.
  • Following the close of nominations, Clare PPN will circulate details of candidates to our eligible members and online  voting will be open for seven days.
  • The successful candidates will be informed immediately.
  • NB: Even if you have nominated a candidate you will still need to vote for them once voting opens to support their election.

For any further information about any of the above roles or Clare PPN’s election processes please feel free to call us on 087 1617375.