MOVE Ireland (Men Overcoming Violence), is a voluntary organisation which works to address domestic violence against women.  Their overriding goal is to promote the safety and wellbeing of women and their children, who have experienced violence and abuse in their intimate relationships. MOVE provides Domestic Violence Perpetrators Intervention Programmes for men where they are challenged to take responsibility for their abuse and to change their attitudes and behaviour and develop respectful, non-abusive relationships. Taking part in a MOVE programme can make a real difference to the lives of those involved, including children who have been affected.

Our member organisation Move Ireland who work to overcome violence against women and children in Ireland, are seeking a female board member to help them run the organisation.  The current board has a majority of men and for this reason they are currently only considering expressions of interest from women.  If you feel you have the skills and enthusiasm to help steer this organisation’s valuable work please read the information below and you can either contact the organisation directly or you can send Clare PPN an expression of interest as explained below and we will forward it to Move Ireland.  Please note this is not a PPN election and Move Ireland will aim to select a candidate that they feel most closely matches their organisation’s needs should one come forward.

Please email with the following information on or before March 3rd 2019.

1.Name, Address and Contact Details.

3. Brief Biography- your work experience, interests, skills and any experience you might have in the areas of domestic violence, counselling, organisational management etc.

4. Statement of interest: Please outline in 400 words or less your interest in becoming a voluntary board member of Move Ireland

Should you wish to find out more, you can contact our Chief Executive, Owen O’Neill at 065-6848689 or send us a brief email to outlining your suitability and motivation.

MOVE Ireland – Board Vacancy

The main objective of MOVE Ireland is to promote the safety and well-being of women and their children by developing and offering programmes and other appropriate interventions to men who are or have been violent or abusive towards their partners or children. More information is available at

If you support this objective, you may be able to help by serving on our Board. 

Person specification: MOVE Ireland values diversity, and we are committed to drawing Board members from a variety of backgrounds and perspectives.

Desirable Experience, Skills and Personal Qualities: Potential Board Members should be able to demonstrate some of the following:

Experience in or knowledge of the community and voluntary sector.

  • Experience in or knowledge of the domestic violence sector.
  • Previous board level experience.
  • Specific areas of skill such as corporate governance, regulation, human resource management, communications and public relations, strategic planning, organisational performance management, service development, accounting, financial management, risk management, etc
  • An enquiring mind, with the confidence to challenge constructively.
  • Recognition of the importance of supporting collective decisions.
  • Strong communication and listening skills.
  • Able to manage a wide variety of situations in a meeting and ensure that the outcomes are in the best interest of the organisation.
  • Commitment to the vision and mission of MOVE Ireland.

Time commitment  The time requirement of this role is estimated at about 6-8 working days per year. This includes:

  • Six 3-hour Board meetings per year which are usually held during working hours at our Head Office in Ennis, Co. Clare.
  • Annual General Meeting
  • Time to read papers and prepare in advance of each meeting
  • Optional involvement in sub-committees and advisory roles 

Training We encourage board members to undertake training as part of their role. This may be general training on governance or on specific to areas that individual board members decide to get more involved in. Training needs are identified on an ad hoc basis, and also through an annual board review process.

Benefits of joining the MOVE Ireland Board: As well as contributing towards promoting the safety and well-being of women and their children, this role also offers you an opportunity to engage with a dedicated group of board members, with varied backgrounds and perspectives and a committed staff team and to develop your own skills and expertise for the future.

Summary of Role – Member of the Board of Directors: The role involves playing an active role in the governance and strategic direction of the organisation.

Main Duties

  • To provide strategic leadership – periodically review the workings and structure of the organisation to ensure that it continues to work towards its main objective, as outlined in the Articles and Memorandum of MOVE Ireland and ensure that there are strategies and policies in place to support the objective.
  • To encourage a culture of openness, responsiveness and accountability – ensuring that MOVE Ireland complies with any relevant legal, accounting and reporting requirements. (Company Law, Charities Acts, Data Protection, funders requirements, etc)
  • Promoting responsible and effective management of organisational resources (financial and human).
  • To act with reasonable care and skill and at all times in the best interest of MOVE Ireland.
  • Developing and monitoring risk management strategies.
  • Developing and monitoring internal systems that are transparent and accountable to stakeholders.
  • Communicating with stakeholders and the public.

Status: Voluntary role – charity trustees may not profit from carrying out their Board duties. Travel and other reasonable expenses will be reimbursed.

Accountable to: Chairperson and the Board of Directors

Committee Membership: Optional