Covid-19 Domestic Abuse Response

Covid 19 – Domestic Abuse Response – Clare

Covid 19 – Domestic Abuse Response – Clare

The lockdown has sadly led to an increase in reports of domestic abuse. Below is some useful information and contact details, from Clare Women’s Network.


2km restrictions on movement do not apply to a person seeking safety from harm or essential services – further information available at:


Clare Haven Services 24 Hour Helpline: 065 6822435

Outreach Clinics for Shannon, Ennistymon, Kilrush, Killaloe and Scariff are now taking place over the phone. Email: to make an appointment


Ennis Garda Station: 065 6848100

If someone is in immediate danger call Gardaí on 999 or 112


National 24 Hour Freephone Helpline 1800 341900

Language Interpretation Services 1800 341900

Women’s Aid Online Chat –

For Deaf Or Hard Of Hearing Women 8am – 8pm Text 087 9597980


Access To Helplines And Services Throughout Ireland

Safe Ireland – Safety Information

Safe Ireland – Types Of Supports Available

Information on services and supports available at

Vacancies for Representatives and Board Members for Clare PPN

13th February 2020 Notice of Elections 

Clare PPN has a number of vacancies for representatives to sit on the policy committees of Clare County Council and on the board ‘secretariat’ of Clare PPN itself.  If you are a contact person for one of our member groups you will receive an email from us today notifying you of which of these positions you are eligible to nominate and vote for.

We need

– two representatives for Clare County Council’s Local Community Development Committee, one from our Community and Voluntary Groups and one from our Environmental Groups

-two representatives to sit on Clare County Council’s Rural Development Forum one from our Social Inclusion Groups and one from our Environmental Groups

-one representative from our Community and Voluntary Groups to sit on Clare County Council’s Social Development Strategic Policy Committee 

For our ‘Secretariat’ (the board that runs Clare PPN between plenary meetings) we need

  • one representative from one of our groups based in the Ennis Municipal District
  • one representative from one of our groups based in the Shannon Municipal District
  • two representatives from our Environmental Groups
  • one representative from our Community and Voluntary Groups.

These positions are all voluntary and are open to people who are in one of Clare PPN’s member groups. We will be emailing all member groups today calling for their nominations for each role they are entitled to nominate for and following close of nominations should we have more than one candidate for any role we will hold an election from our eligible membership.  You can read the full details of each position and how to make nominations in the attachments below.

Please note the following:

  1. Representatives of Political Parties or Independent TDs, Councillors or MEPS may not hold PPN seats.
  2. Candidates for any local, national, or EU election may not hold PPN seats for one year after the date of the relevant election.
  3. People may only represent Clare PPN on one external body or committee – if you already represent Clare PPN but wish to seek a nomination for any of these roles you will be asked to vacate your existing role should you be successful. Please note PPN representatives may hold roles on Clare PPN secretariat and one external committee or body.


Clare PPN Notice of Elections Ennis MD Feb 2020

Clare PPN Notice of Elections Shannon MD Feb 2020

Clare PPN Notice of Elections Community and Voluntary Feb 2020

Clare PPN Notice of Elections Environment Feb 2020

Clare PPN Notice of Elections Social Inclusion Feb 2020




Clare PPN calls for support for the National Platform of Self Advocates

Ireland’s only independent organisation run by people with intellectual disabilities ‘The National Platform of Self Advocates’ is facing closure in January 2020 due to a lack of funds. Clare PPN has contacted the Minister for Justice and Equality calling for him to step in and provide secure sustainable funding for this invaluable organisation. The rights of people with intellectual disabilities are human rights and as such require the state to progressively realises these rights as it agreed when Ireland signed and then ratified the Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities (CRPD) You can read our letter to Minister Charlie Flanagan here:  Clare PPN Calls for support for National Platform of Self Advocates

Traveller Women Talking – Christmas Lunch with Brigid Quilligan

Calling Traveller Women from Clare we invite you to

Traveller Women Talking – a Christmas Lunch and discussion with guest speaker Dr Brigid Quilligan 

Monday December 2nd at 12.00 – 2.30 pm

Temple Gate Hotel Ennis

Clare Public Participation Network, Clare Local Development Company and the HSE Travellers Primary Health Care Project are delighted to invite Traveller women of any age from Clare to join them with special guest Dr Brigid Quilligan of the Kerry Traveller for a Christmas Lunch and Talk in the Temple Gate Hotel on Monday December 2nd at 12.00- 2.30 pm. Please note that this event is organised only for women from the Traveller community. Please do not book tickets for this unless you are covered by that description.

Join us for a relaxed morning where women from the Traveller community will get together to learn from and support each other in reaching their potential in life and work. There will be a short talk given by Brigid Quilligan with plenty of time for discussion and questions.

Brigid Quilligan is the manager of the Kerry Travellers Health and Community Development Project. She is a proud Traveller woman and feminist, former director of the Irish Traveller Movement and tireless activist and advocate for the rights of Travellers, women and human rights for all. She was awarded an honorary Doctorate by UCC in 2017 and you can read more about her here

This will be followed by a Christmas lunch to celebrate the great work done and contributions made by the Traveller Primary Health Care Workers and Link Workers over the course of 2019. Please note that this event is for Traveller women or women with Traveller heritage whatever their lifestyle, status or age, sexuality etc

Just in case you’re worried -we also love men! -We already held a similar event for men and hope to have more events like these in 2020 should there be interest in them but this event is just for the women.

IMPORTANT! Places are limited and must be reserved in advance by calling us on 087-1617375 or booking a ticket on the Eventbrite below

This event is organised by the HSE’s Traveller Primary Health Care Project, Clare Local Development Company’s SICAP programme and Clare Public Participation Network but will be delivered by members of the Traveller Community.

Coffee, Cake and Community – Clare PPN Migrant Forum Meeting

Coffee, Cake and Community: Clare PPN Migrant Forum Meeting  Wednesday 4th December @7PM

Have you come to live in Clare from another country? Would you be interested in getting more involved and having your voice heard in the community and local government in Clare.

Would you appreciate the opportunity to meet and mingle with other community groups in the county or to stand for election for the community positions Clare PPN is responsible for filling? If so please come to our first meeting on Wednesday 4th  December 2019 at in Clare PPN offices, Clonroad Business Park, Clonroad, Ennis.

This will be a friendly and informal meeting and refreshments will be served. (We’re planning on Cake…)

What is this meeting about?

Clare PPN would like to see whether there is interest from people who have migrated to Clare in us setting up and supporting a Migrant Forum in the County. The purpose of this migrant forum would be to ensure that Clare PPN is fully aware of the issues, opportunities and challenges faced by people who have moved here from different countries and cultures and that we can bring that to bear on all our submissions and work on the Committees of Clare County Council. We would like to ensure that all the diverse people of Clare are aware of our work and know that we invite and value their participation. We want to make sure that when we hold our elections on to Clare County Councils’ Committees and to our own board of management that people from the newer communities here know about them and have the information they need to participate fully. If there is interest in setting up a migrant forum in Clare we’d be happy to support it and also to see it grow and take on its own plans and agenda into the future.

What is Clare PPN?

Clare PPN is a network of 287 community, voluntary, environmental and social inclusion groups based in County Clare. It exists to facilitate the formal participation by the community groups in Clare County Council’s decision making structures and in national and EU consultations where that is appropriate. It is funded jointly by the Department of Rural and Community Development and Clare County Council but is autonomous and its activities are directed by its members through an elected secretariat.

Introducing Clare PPN’s new representatives

Introducing Clare PPN’s nominees for seats on Clare PPN’s Strategic Policy Committees 2019- 2024

Following the local elections in May 2019 Clare County Council’s Strategic Policy Committees had to be reconstituted as per the legislation. These Strategic Policy Committees or ‘SPCs’ for short advise Clare County Council on policies and decisions. By having seats available to outside interests they help to bring in expertise and experience from the community and voluntary, farming, trade union and business sectors. Clare PPN member groups have the role of nominating and electing all the representatives from the Community and Voluntary, Environmental and Social Inclusion sector in Clare who will sit on these committees.

On September 17th following the adoption of the ‘Draft Scheme for Strategic Policy Committees’ by Clare County Council, Clare PPN circulated a call for nominations to all its member groups for the seats we had been allocated on all four strategic policy committees. We received in total 11 nominations for the 11 available seats accross our three colleges. Although this was excellent – the nominations were not exactly aligned with the seats available; in two cases we had two nominees for one seat and none for another. Following discussions with those nominated for those particular seats we were able to reallocate the nominees to ensure that each seat had the proper number of nominees from each college. Following that we are able to announce that the following people are Clare PPNs nominees for seats on the SPCs. They will be put before our member groups for ratification at our plenary meeting on October 9th (7pm Clare PPN offices, Clonroad Business Park, Clonroad, Ennis) and following that will be sent to Clare County Council.

Economic Development SPC

Elaine Dalton – Social Inclusion Representative

Elaine D’Alton is the Project Coordinator of the NCCWN – Clare Women’s Network. Elaine is a feminist with a strong commitment to inclusion, human rights and ensuring the voices of women are brought to the forefront of decision making and their lived experiences are included and considered when structural, political and social policy development is being determined.

Emma Karran – Environmental Representative

Emma Karran is English born and has lived in Doonbeg with her family for four years. Her engagement in topics of local concern began when she became a member of the environmental group Futureproof Clare and joined the protest against the proposed LNG terminal in the Shannon estuary.
A mother herself and with links to the communities in south west Clare through her work, she wants to commit herself to deeper active involvement in the future health and well-being of the people of Clare and its land through being on the Strategic Policy Committee for Economic Development

Rural Development SPC

Annie Wise – Environment College Representative

Anny Wise is nominated by An Taisce Clare branch and was born in Antwerp Belgium in 1942. She moved to Northern Ireland in 1985 and then to Shannon in 1990. She has three degrees and studied in Sussex, Antwerp and NUIGalway. Her latest master is in Rural Development which she completed in 2006. She was first nominated to an SPC in 2006 by the Environmental Pillar and served since having been elected to represent the environment by the PPN. The SPCs she served on were were involved in transport, planning and land use.

Eugene Crimmins – Community and Voluntary Representative

Eugene is a founding member of Newmarket Village Centre Text Alert. He is a committee member and former Chair of Newmarket on Fergus Tidy Towns. A former County Arts Officer, Eugene has a long established record of community development, including having served as a board member of Obair Environmental Development Association and Clare PPN Secretariat.

Jean O’Keefe – Social Inclusion College

Jean is a Youth Work Manager with Clare Youth Service and manages The Junction Youth and Community Building. Clare Youth Service had its beginnings in 1969 when it was established as the Clare Regional Youth Council. Over the years it has changed and developed to become a leader in the field of Youth Services. It is affiliated to Youth Work Ireland (t/a NYF).  The aim of Clare Youth Service is to assist the holistic development of young people and those who work with them so that they are enabled to participate fully in society in a way which respects the equal worth of all.

Physical Development SPC

Padraic Hayes – Social Inclusion Representative

Padraic graduated with a Masters in Marketing from Limerick Institute of Technology and has worked since then in the area of administration and finance. His real passion however lies in advocacy and he is the current Chairperson of the Clare Leader Forum, which is an independent group of people with disabilities who work to create a voice on disability issues in Clare. Padraic has helped the Forum grow from strength to strength and with his support the Clare Leader Forum has now become one of the key cross-disability representative groups in Clare. At a national level Padraic has also continued to promote the rights of people with disabilities through his work with the Center for Independent Living and more specifically through his role on the Value for Money (Transforming Lives) committee

Aishling Wheeler – Environmental Representative 

Aisling is a teacher, perma-culturist, parent and climate activist. She is chairperson of Kilfenora Tidy Towns Committee. She has been involved in many environmental campaigns over the years and is currently working voluntarily with Futureproof Clare and Extinction Rebellion Ireland to raise awareness of the Climate Crisis and prepare our communities for the future.

James Giller – Environmental Representative

James Giller is a First Class Honours graduate of Computer Science from UCC and holds a Master of Engineering from Osaka University, Japan, specialising in robotics. He applies his knowledge of information technology, especially in autonomous systems, to research and engage with relevant environmental and socioeconomic issues such as industrial automation; autonomous, connected and electric vehicles; and data centres and other IT infrastructure.  James has excellent communication skills as well as experience as a representative in the UCC Student Council, where he was awarded Best New Speaker. He has hosted a number of public talks on the climate and biodiversity crisis in Ennis and given interviews on the occasion of a number of rallies and other events to both local and national media. He has also contributed to submissions on past Draft Litter Management and Climate Change Adaptation Plans from Clare County Council. James is involved in a campaign to help Ennis businesses achieve low/zero-waste.

Damon Matthew Wise Âû – Community and Voluntary Representative 

The CEO/National Secretary of NCPD. He has represented people with disabilities and environmental issues at local, county, national and international levels, including to the United Nations. Damon also serves as a secretariat member for Clare PPN and as part of Federation Trust worked with community and voluntary groups to assit them with incorporation.

Social Development SPC

Trudy Leyden – Community and Voluntary Representative

Trudy has a long interest in Social and Cultural policy. She has a Masters of Arts in Politics and has qualifications in Cultural Studies and Literature and has trained with the Clare Adult Basic Education Services and worked as an After School Homework Tutor with the Clare Local Development Company. Trudy is involved in volunteering with many organisations. She has been a Brownie Leader with the reformed Ennis Brownie Branch. She was a volunteer with the Fleadh Committee in both 2016 and 2017. She is the current Secretary with the Quin Community Text Alert Service

Noel Kearney – Social Inclusion Representative

Noel is currently serving as secretary for Clare Leader Forum. He is active in a variety of community groups  and is involved with mental health organisation Shine and with Clare Local Mental Health Forum. He organises discos and social events for people with disabilities and in his spare time he loves collecting records, reading, music, and is a big fan of films.