Coffee, Cake and Community: Clare PPN Migrant Forum Meeting  Wednesday 4th December @7PM

Have you come to live in Clare from another country? Would you be interested in getting more involved and having your voice heard in the community and local government in Clare.

Would you appreciate the opportunity to meet and mingle with other community groups in the county or to stand for election for the community positions Clare PPN is responsible for filling? If so please come to our first meeting on Wednesday 4th  December 2019 at in Clare PPN offices, Clonroad Business Park, Clonroad, Ennis.

This will be a friendly and informal meeting and refreshments will be served. (We’re planning on Cake…)

What is this meeting about?

Clare PPN would like to see whether there is interest from people who have migrated to Clare in us setting up and supporting a Migrant Forum in the County. The purpose of this migrant forum would be to ensure that Clare PPN is fully aware of the issues, opportunities and challenges faced by people who have moved here from different countries and cultures and that we can bring that to bear on all our submissions and work on the Committees of Clare County Council. We would like to ensure that all the diverse people of Clare are aware of our work and know that we invite and value their participation. We want to make sure that when we hold our elections on to Clare County Councils’ Committees and to our own board of management that people from the newer communities here know about them and have the information they need to participate fully. If there is interest in setting up a migrant forum in Clare we’d be happy to support it and also to see it grow and take on its own plans and agenda into the future.

What is Clare PPN?

Clare PPN is a network of 287 community, voluntary, environmental and social inclusion groups based in County Clare. It exists to facilitate the formal participation by the community groups in Clare County Council’s decision making structures and in national and EU consultations where that is appropriate. It is funded jointly by the Department of Rural and Community Development and Clare County Council but is autonomous and its activities are directed by its members through an elected secretariat.