Notice of Elections for Community & Voluntary Seats on Clare County Council’s Strategic Policy Committees

Tuesday 17th September 2019
Call for nominations for Community and Voluntary College representatives . Closing date 30th September 2019 5pm.

As some of you will be aware Clare PPN has a number of representative seats on Clare County Council’s Strategic Policy Committees. (SPCS) Following the local elections held in May 2019, it is now necessary for us to hold elections to select representatives to hold these seats. This page deals only with the seats available to our Community and Voluntary College member groups of Clare PPN.

What is a Strategic Policy Committee?
The task of each SPC is to assist and advise the Council in the formulation, development and review of policy in a certain thematic area. Each SPC consists of a elected Councillors as well as Business, Farming, Trade Union and Community Interests. Clare PPN is responsible for the nominations and support of all the Community and Voluntary Sector seats. There are currently four separate SPCs organised in Clare County Council. They are as follows

  • Physical Development SPC – with responsibility for Climate Change, Transportation, Water and Waste Water, Fire and Major Emergency Management.
  • Rural Development SPC – Rural development, Community, Tourism, Broadband, Digital Information and Communications Strategy
  • Social Development SPC – with responsibility for Housing, Arts and Culture, Sports and Recreation.

We are seeking nominations for one Community and Voluntary representative for each of the above SPCS

Who can make nominations?
Every current community and voluntary college member group of Clare PPN can nominate one person for each of the three representative positions. Once all nominees have been received on September 30th Clare PPN will circulate their details and hold online elections in which all environmental member groups will be invited to vote.

Who can be nominated?
Any person who is in a Community and Voluntary college member group of Clare PPN can be nominated for these positions with the following exceptions

  • Currently serving elected representatives may not be nominated.
    Anyone who has contested elections in the last year may not be nominated.
  • Those who have declared their intention to stand for general or local election can not be nominated.
  • If someone is nominated and later decides to contest an election they will have to vacate their seat.
  • Any individual can only hold one SPC seat.

What’s involved in being a representative on an SPC for Clare PPN:
The successful candidates will be required attend four SPC meetings per year on behalf of all the Community and Voluntary Member Groups in Clare PPN (plus a brief pre-meeting on the same day at Clare PPN), four Clare PPN plenary meetings per year and the occasional pillar group meeting and or training event. Feedback after each SPC meeting will also be required. Clare PPN will provide support for anyone who decides to take on these positions and travel expenses will be covered by Clare County Council and Clare PPN.

How do you nominate candidates?
NB: Please ensure that your group has re-registered in 2019 (you will have received emails to assist this process in the last few weeks). If you have any queries or need further assistance please email
• Member groups from the Community and Voluntary College of Clare PPN can nominate one candidate per representative position. If you are not sure which pillar your group belongs to please contact:
• A candidate can only be the nominee for ONE representative position on ONE SPC – in the case that a person is nominated for more than one SPC we will contact them to ask them to select one which they wish to stand for.
• The candidate’s permission must be secured before they are nominated
• A fully completed form (see link below )with a clear photo and a short biography of the nominees (up to 200 words) must be submitted to

Nomination Form Community & Voluntary Pillar

• Nominations must be received by 5pm, Monday 30th September 2019 after this date we will contact all members with the full list of candidates and ask for their votes.
Please make sure you do nominate and then vote in these elections- we want to be sure our member groups are fully involved in selecting who they want to represent them on these three SPCs. Please get in touch if any of the above confuses you or if you need any help. You can get us on 087-1617375 or admin@clareppn,ie

Notice of Elections for Environmental Seats on Clare County Council’s Strategic Policy Committees

Tuesday 17th September 2019

Call for nominations for four Environmental College representatives . Closing date 30th September 2019 5pm.

As some of you will be aware Clare PPN has a number of representative seats on Clare County Council’s Strategic Policy Committees. (SPCS) Following the local elections held in May 2019, it is now necessary for us to hold elections to select representatives to hold these seats. This page deals only with the seats available to Environmental College members of Clare PPN.

What is a Strategic Policy Committee? 

The task of each SPC is to assist and advise the Council in the formulation, development and review of policy in a certain thematic area. Each SPC consists of a elected Councillors as well as Business, Farming, Trade Union and Community Interests. Clare PPN is responsible for the nominations and support of all the Community and Voluntary Sector seats.  There are currently four separate SPCs organised in Clare County Council. The ones which have Environmental College Seats are as follows:

  • Physical Development SPC – with responsibility for Climate Change, Transportation, Water and Waste Water, Fire and Major Emergency Management.
  • Economic Development SPC -with responsibility for Biodiversity, Economic Development, Planning and Enterprise
  • Rural Development SPC –   Rural development, Community, Tourism, Broadband, Digital Information and Communications Strategy

We are seeking nominations for two environmental representatives for the Physical Development SPC, and one representative each for the Economic Development SPC and Rural Development SPC.

Who can make nominations?

Every current environmental college member group of Clare PPN can nominate one person for each of the four representative positions. Once all nominees have been received on September 30th Clare PPN will circulate their details and hold online elections in which all environmental member groups will be invited to vote.

Who can be nominated?

Any person who is in an environmental college member group of Clare PPN can be nominated for these positions with the following exceptions:

  • Currently serving elected representatives may not be nominated
  • Anyone who has contested elections in the last year may not be nominated.
  • Those who have declared their intention to stand for general or local election can not be nominated. If someone is nominated and later decides to contest an election they will have to vacate their seat.

What’s involved in being a representative on an SPC for Clare PPN:

The successful candidates will be required attend four SPC meetings per year on behalf of all the Environmental Member Groups in Clare PPN (plus a brief pre-meeting on the same day at Clare PPN), four Clare PPN plenary meetings per year and the occasional pillar group meeting and or training event. Feedback after each SPC meeting will also be required. Clare PPN will provide support for anyone who decides to take on these positions and travel expenses will be covered by Clare County Council and Clare PPN.

How do you nominate candidates? 
NB: Please ensure that your group has re-registered in 2019 (you will have received emails to assist this process in the last few weeks). If you have any queries or need further assistance please email


Nomination Form Environmental Pillar

Nominations must be received by 5pm, Monday 30th September 2019 after this date we will contact all members with the full list of candidates and ask for their votes.

  • Member groups from the Environmental College of Clare PPN can nominate one candidate per representative position. If you are not sure which pillar your group belongs to please contact:
  • A candidate can only be the nominee for ONE representative position on ONE SPC – in the case that a person is nominated for more than one SPC we will contact them to ask them to select one which they wish to stand for.
  • The candidate’s permission must be secured before they are nominated
  • A fully completed form (see link below) with a clear photo and a short biography of the nominees (up to 200 words) must be submitted to

Please make sure you do nominate and then vote in these elections- we want to be sure our member groups are fully involved in selecting who they want to represent them on these three SPCs. Please get in touch if any of the above confuses you or if you need any help. You can get us on 087-1617375 or admin@clareppn,ie






Email to Clare County Councillors

Below please find the text of the email send by Clare PPN to all sitting Clare County Councillors on 6th September 2019

Dear Councillors,

I am writing to you on behalf of Clare PPN in relation to the following agenda items for next Monday September 9ths Council Meeting

  1. SPC Scheme
  2. —-
  3. Report to Council on Traveller Accommodation Programme 2019-2024
  4. Draft Climate Change Adaptation Strategy 2019 – 2024


In respect of item 13. SPC scheme

I have linked the submission Clare PPN has made in relation to that here ( and wish to draw to your attention as Councillors that we have in brief requested the following- that a separate Climate Change and Biodiversity Strategic Policy Committee be set up as provided for under the Government’s Climate Action Strategy 2019:

3.3 ‘Local authorities have significant structures and experience in engaging citizens through their planning functions, particularly local area planning and as facilitators of the Public Participation Networks (PPNs). They can also effectively contribute to climate action in the fulfilment of their existing statutory functions. Climate change considerations should be addressed across all local authority plans, policies and activities including through their existing Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs) and a dedicated new Climate Change SPC for climate action.’

On behalf of our environmental college members we would like to draw it to your attention that they do not consider the above requirement to be met by the existing Physical Development SPC which has other areas of responsibility. Our members as consulted on this strategy request strongly that a separate dedicated Climate Change and Biodiversity Committee is set up.

We have also requested that the current Local Traveller Accommodation Consultative Committee be reconvened as a Strategic Policy Committee and included in the scheme. This is in line with the recommendations  from the National Traveller Accommodation Consultative Committee’s independent review of funding for traveller specific accommodation attached below. (


In respect of item 15. Report to Council on Traveller Accommodation Programme 2019- 2024,

We note that our submission made to this programme ( was not taken on board and neither were our suggestions to postpone or stagger the adoption of this plan until such a time as the community affected by it had been consulted effectively.  We also requested that the last scheduled LTACC meeting would be delayed by one day in order to facilitate a consultation we had organised with the Traveller Primary Health Care workers who had conducted extensive research with the Traveller Community in Clare and so were in a position to contribute in an informed way. This delay was not facilitated and the LTACC meeting did not take place.

As a result Clare PPN has forwarded the notes from this consultation to the Minister of State for Planning and Urban Development, Damien English, and to the Commissioner for Human Rights at IHREC Emily Logan.  As a result of all of the above, the Traveller Accommodation Strategy as presented to Clare County Council has not had any engagement from the Traveller Community and Clare PPN calls on you the Councillors not to pass it until effective participation has been conducted. We indicate as we have done previously, that we are willing to assist in whatever way we can in organising such participation. We include below the notes from our consultation session with the Traveller Primary Health Care Workers as forwarded to the Minister of State and Human Rights Commission for your information.


In respect of item 16 Climate Change Adaption Strategy 2019- 2024

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that Clare PPN organised a consultation workshop on the draft of this Strategy on July 31st 2019. This workshop was attended by 40 individuals which included representatives of more than 27 Environmental Groups in County Clare. They prepared an extensive submission to the strategy which included concrete proposals on a range of issues and which we submitted on their behalf.

We have received no response or request for further information in respect of any aspect of that submission and it has been brought to our attention today that the report on the consultation process from the Physical Development Directorate recommends to you the Councillors that the Climate Adaptation Strategy be adopted as originally drafted without any single change despite the fact that 28 other public submissions were made in addition to Clare PPN’s own collective submission.

We are calling on you as Councillors to do your best to ensure that the input of the expertise from the Community and Voluntary Sector is given proper consideration and respect and that the local authority be requested to convene a public meeting in response to the range of submissions it received. Clare PPN notes that in other local authority areas the LA organised public information sessions on the Draft Climate Adaptation Strategy and in one case (Cork City) a special meeting of the full council was convened to discuss it and members of the public were invited to attend. We attach here our joint submission for your attention.


On behalf of our member groups and all of those who participated with us on a voluntary basis on the above submissions we request that you would give your attention to the above and work with us to ensure that Clare County Council is open and flexible and that the voices of those affected are heard in all policy decisions.

Kind regards,

Sarah Clancy

Physical Development SPC 28th May 2018

Representative Name
Andrew St Ledger
Committee Name
Physical development SPC
Date of meeting
28th March 2018
Your college
Municipal District
Were you asked to raise any issues on behalf of Clare PPN members at this meeting?
Main topics discussed at the meeting:
River basin management Plans, CFRAMs, Noise Action Plan, Guidelines for SPC’s transparency Code, Review of winter salting routes
List any decisions made at the meeting:
None, or other than reporting and referrals to next SPC.
Do you require any action to be taken by Clare PPN staff as a result of this meeting?
I enquired about the status/ condition and mitigation plan, of part of the ex Finsa factory site in Scarriff in relation to a contaminated area on site. The presenter acknowledged the issue and agreed to come back to the SPC with an update etc.I made contributions to a number of the topics, and specifically requested that the Council engage with Coillte re, River Basin Management Plans, related to run off of pesticides and fertlisers by Coillte and the fact that agreed mitigation measures include the planting of riparian corridors with linear native woodlands, for which there is funding. The Council presenter on the River Basin Management Plan topic agreed to liaise with Coillte seeking to know if they are acting on this measure and availing of the funding etc, and come back to the Council with an update ? I reminded the Council that this has crossover implications with CRFAMs and that the Council had adopted my proposals in its CFRAMs submission relating to the use of native woodlands in the uplands to mitigate flooding in the lowlands. A reminder and follow up by PPN staff to the Council on this would be useful.