New policing body must have genuine community involvement

New policing body must have genuine community involvement


Local communities in Clare are set to have a greater role in community safety and policing, thanks to a new government initiative that will replace the Joint Policing Committee. However, it is vital that the Local Community Safety Partnership (LCSP) has genuine community involvement, as set out in the government’s proposal. 

The LCSP – a proposed partnership between local community representatives and State agencies to identify and tackle community safety issues – has the potential to bring greater democracy to community policing and to be a powerful tool for communities. However, Clare PPN is concerned by developments in Waterford, where tensions have arisen at a pilot LCSP which lacks “proper community involvement”, according to a Waterford PPN representative. 

Clare PPN plans to hold a public meeting early in the new year to provide information about, and discuss, the proposed partnership and how it might work in Clare.  

What are LCSPs?
Community safety is a broad concept that goes beyond just policing and crime – it’s about people being and feeling safe in their communities. This includes everything from visible Gardaí and improved street lighting to safe places for children to play. 

With this in mind, the Local Community Safety Partnership (LCSP) is a new government initiative to identify and tackle community safety issues. LCSPs will build on and eventually replace the existing Joint Policing Committees (JPCs) and will provide a forum for State agencies and local community representatives to work together to act on community concerns. 

According to the Dept of Justice, “membership of the partnerships will be broader than that of the existing JPCs and will include residents, community representatives (including youth, new communities and voluntary sector representation), business and education sector representation, relevant public services including the HSE, Tusla, An Garda Síochána and local authorities as well as local councillors.”

In 2021, three pilot LCSPs were set up in Longford, Waterford and Dublin’s North Inner City. These pilot partnerships, which will run for 24 months, will devise and implement the Local Community Safety Plan. 

Clare PPN has enquired of the Dept of Justice and Clare County Council as to when the scheme is likely to be initiated in Clare and we will update when we find out. 

Looking ahead to an LCSP in Clare
Clare PPN believes that if planned and set up in accordance with the vision set out by the Dept of Justice and in genuine consultation with the community sector, the LCSP has the potential to be a powerful tool for communities in Co Clare, giving residents and community representatives a genuine voice in policing and community safety.  

An article in the Dublin Inquirer gives a great account of the pilot scheme in Dublin’s north inner city, where “the partnership aims to give a voice to locals, volunteers and community representatives, and to bolster those making positive contributions to their community”.

We are keen to find out what the process will be for selecting the membership, chairperson and co-ordinator of the LCSP in Clare.

Clare PPN plans to hold a public meeting about the proposed LCSP early in the new year. We will advertise the meeting once we have found a suitable date. 

Joint Policing Committee Presentations by An Garda Siochána

Joint Policing Committee Presentations by An Garda Siochána

At the Joint Policing Committee (JPC) yesterday the following were presented by An Garda Siochána:

Garda Presentation – Victims of Crime April 2021

JPC Garda Presentation April 2021

Your Clare PPN representative is Madeleine McAleer.  If you would like to be notified by email of the next JPC meeting and/or join us for a pre-meeting to discuss the agenda and any relevant issues please email:

Calling all members – PPN Plenary Meeting October 12th 2020 7PM

Notice of Plenary Meeting: October 12th 2020 at 7PM (Online)

Clare Public Participation Network invites all member groups to attend its first online Plenary Meeting which will take place on Monday 12th October at 7pm.

What is a Plenary Meeting? Plenary meetings are the main decision making forums for Clare PPN -at these meetings all member groups are invited to attend and to put items forward for the agenda for discussion or for inclusion in the work plan of Clare PPN.  At each of these meetings the staff and secretariat of Clare PPN present an update on the work, finances, and activities of the PPN from the preceding three months and present their work plan for discussion and input from member groups for the forthcoming three months.

Online Meeting: Due to the Covid-19 restrictions this Plenary Meeting will be held online via zoom.  Any member or person who would like to receive training in how to use Zoom should email and William Hederman will arrange a session with you to help familiarise you with how to participate using this tool. You will need a smart phone or computer and an internet connection to use zoom. If possible each member group should nominate someone who has these facilities to represent them at this Plenary Meeting.  If any group is unable to attend online please feel free to send us submissions or items for our agenda via email to or by calling us on 087 1617375.

Call for Agenda Items:

All current member groups can propose agenda items for this meeting on or before October 5th 2020 . Please send these using the subject line ”Agenda Item Plenary Meeting” to

Clare PPN’s representatives who sit on 11 boards and committees in the County will also have an opportunity to present updates from their committees and to take any questions or input from member groups at this meeting.

For part of this meeting Members will be split up into three groups – representing the three colleges of Clare PPN – Environmental, Social Inclusion and Community & Voluntary and asked to identify their priorities for Clare PPN to address until the end of 2020.

At the beginning of each plenary meeting we will present an introduction to the PPN for new member groups and a question and answer session will be held.

Please reserve your place at this meeting by emailing your name and member group name to on or before October 11th 2020. 






Reps report on the 17th February 2020 Joint Policing Committee – Madeline McAleer

Reps report on the Joint Policing Committee


Representative Name

Madeline Mc Aleer



Committee Name

Joint Policing Committee


Date of meeting:



Were you asked to raise any issues on behalf of Clare PPN members at this meeting?

  • To thank An Garda Síochána for their attendance at the PPN voter registration event and at the election husting event
  • To propose that Domestic and Sexual Assault and actions around these issues are specifically referenced in a strategic Objective of the JPC 2020 Work Plan
  • Fear of crime to include drug related intimidation


Main topics discussed at the meeting:

  • Property Marking Scheme demonstration – Co. Council have purchased a property marking device and offer a free property marking service
  • An Garda Síochána crime report 2019 V 2020 stats.
  • Protective Service Unit established in Clare – based in Crusheen Station
  • Drug related crime / fear intimidation – Dermot Hayes referred to comments made by priest in Cloughleigh – drug related intimidation, drug associated crime and mental health and suicides
  • Follow up on reported crime Illegal Traveller halting sites
  • Commissioner attending JPC – July 13th
  • PSU presentation suggested
  • Work Plan 2020 to be discussed at next meeting


List any decisions made at the meeting:

More detailed breakdown of crime figures will be available for next meeting Presentation on Protective Service Units at July meeting when Commissioner present


Do you require any action to be taken by Clare PPN staff as a result of this meeting?

No. Ethics for C & V circular from JPC forwarded to PPN



EU Parking Card /Disabled person’s parking permits are issued to drivers or passengers who meet the criteria as
laid down by the Disabled Drivers Association of Ireland. These permits are intended to facilitate ease of parking
in public car parking areas. In order to fully utilise a disabled parking permit, the following points should be

What is a valid Disabled Person’s Parking Permit?
Valid means a permit that is in date and displays a photograph of the permit holder. Disabled Person’s Parking
Permits are valid for two years from date of issue. A permit must then be renewed by post or online and requires
that the old permit is returned to the Disabled Drivers Association or National Mobility Centre.

Who can use Disabled Person’s Parking Permits?
A parking permit must only be used by the person to whom it is issued either as a driver or travelling as a passenger
in another vehicle. It is an offence for a driver to use a disabled person’s parking permit when the permit holder is
not a passenger in the vehicle. Any abuse / misuse will result in its immediate withdrawal.

Requirements regarding display of Disabled Person’s Parking Permits.
A valid permit must be clearly displayed within a vehicle in order to park in a disabled parking bay.

Where does the display of a Disabled Person’s Parking Permit allow for the permit holder or their driver to park?
Parking is allowed in disabled parking spaces or other parking spaces within a public car parking area providing that
the parking permit is visibly displayed. The laws on parking do not extend to private car parks. Spaces assigned to
disabled persons in private or privately operated car parks are operated at the discretion of the car park operator
and may incur charges and/or time limits. Parking in a regular parking space in private car parks such as
supermarkets, private car parks, is governed by the parking rules of these organisations. Clarification should be
sought from these organisations in order to be clear as to what is allowed in relation to parking.

What offence may incur a traffic fine whilst parking in a disabled parking space or regular parking space?
A fine can be incurred whereby a person parking in a disabled parking space does not display a valid disabled parking
permit. Please note a permit MUST BE clearly visible on the dashboard where either a traffic warden or garda can
easily view same. An out of date disabled parking permit is not acceptable and the driver may incur a parking fine. It
is the responsibility of the holder of a Disabled Parking Permit to ensure that the permit displayed is valid and in

Where is a Disabled Person’s Parking Permit NOT to be used?
A disabled person’s parking permit does not give a right of parking in prohibited areas including double yellow lines,
set down areas, loading bays, hatched areas (yellow/white boxes). It should be noted that the hatched areas
adjacent to Disabled Person’s Parking Permits are there to facilitate disabled drivers as they enter and leave their

How do I apply for a Disabled Person’s Parking Permits?
Application is made to Disabled Drivers Association, Ballindine, Claremorris, Co. Mayo
Tel: 094 9364054 / 094 9364336
National Mobility Centre, Irish Wheelchair Association, Ballinagappa Rd, Clane, Co Kildare
Tel: 045 893094
Information is also available from your local Citizens Information Office