Representative Name
Andrew St Ledger
Committee Name
Physical development SPC
Date of meeting
28th March 2018
Your college
Municipal District
Were you asked to raise any issues on behalf of Clare PPN members at this meeting?
Main topics discussed at the meeting:
River basin management Plans, CFRAMs, Noise Action Plan, Guidelines for SPC’s transparency Code, Review of winter salting routes
List any decisions made at the meeting:
None, or other than reporting and referrals to next SPC.
Do you require any action to be taken by Clare PPN staff as a result of this meeting?
I enquired about the status/ condition and mitigation plan, of part of the ex Finsa factory site in Scarriff in relation to a contaminated area on site. The presenter acknowledged the issue and agreed to come back to the SPC with an update etc.I made contributions to a number of the topics, and specifically requested that the Council engage with Coillte re, River Basin Management Plans, related to run off of pesticides and fertlisers by Coillte and the fact that agreed mitigation measures include the planting of riparian corridors with linear native woodlands, for which there is funding. The Council presenter on the River Basin Management Plan topic agreed to liaise with Coillte seeking to know if they are acting on this measure and availing of the funding etc, and come back to the Council with an update ? I reminded the Council that this has crossover implications with CRFAMs and that the Council had adopted my proposals in its CFRAMs submission relating to the use of native woodlands in the uplands to mitigate flooding in the lowlands. A reminder and follow up by PPN staff to the Council on this would be useful.