Minutes of Clare PPN Plenaries Dec 2022

Minutes of Clare PPN Plenaries Dec 2022

(one online & one in-person)

Thursday, 8th December, 2022



Sarah Ferrigan gave an overview of the extensive work undertaken by Clare PPN in 2022. You can read/download our Work Report at this link:

The most significant piece of work undertaken by Clare PPN this year was the research project, ‘Towards an Anti-Poverty Strategy for Clare’. You can download a copy of the report here:

Appreciation was expressed for the County Council’s organising of a successful half-day event following on from the publication of the Anti-Poverty report, involving Councillors, Council staff, PPN reps and staff and other community representatives.

• Setting up of the Clare Traveller CDP was welcomed as an important step for Travellers in Clare.

• Membership: we now have 362 member groups. A re-registration process will take place in the first quarter of 2023.


Budget is on target. Our audited accounts are available on our website by searching ‘audited accounts’. Quarterly financial reports are also uploaded. We had a Departmental audit in 2022 – no issues raised.

All PPNs had looked for more funding from Dept of Rural & Community Development, as we don’t have enough. We had looked for €39,000 per PPN. Dept has told us there will be a modest increase. Likely to be €11,000 for each PPN. For Clare PPN, this will simply mean our funding meets our outgoings. We need further staff resources. At a minimum we need three full-time staff equivalent. Currently we are two full-time equivalent.


Sarah Clancy gave an overview. The draft Work Plan can be viewed here:

The Work Plan will be finalised by 15th January.

• Something we want to achieve in 2023 is organising a Migrant Forum for Clare discussions on how to go about this took place with an acknowledgement of previous approaches which were not successful- the idea of one forum for disparate groups of varying nationalities with little in common is not a good starting point. New starting point will be to engage with individual groups first. PPN will seek resources to do this.

• Pobal/LECP:
We are awaiting final word on a Pobal-funded project that relates to the public consultation process around the Local Economic & Community Plan (LECP). The aim of the project is to enshrine socio-economic rights and just transition principles into the LECP. This would mean funding of €40,000, which would pay for the person who will do the work (not existing PPN staff).


Theresa O’Donohoe & Martin Vernon reported on their trip as part of a youth delegation to the COP27 summit. All in all, the summit was a talking shop but great to see so much youth protest and ‘humbling’ to meet people from regions whose existence is threatened by climate chaos. You can read Theresa’s & Martin’s report at this page:

FEASTA COP-27 Delegate Reports


Congratulations to Bridgie Casey and Bridget Ginnity who were both elected as Clare PPN Reps on the LCDC (Local Community Development Committee).

Theresa O’Donoghue elected to Clare PPN Secretariat.

• Upcoming elections:
We have two vacant seats on our Secretariat, one each for Killaloe and Shannon Municipal Districts (MDs). The term is three years. (You can stand for a subsequent term also). Nominations can be from groups in those MDs.

There is also a seat for an Environmental Rep on the Physical Development SPC.

We will announce the election process online, followed by a 21-day period for nominations.


This EU funding is €6.6 million over 5 years, for rural and sustainable development. CLDC and Clare Co Council (LCDC) are both applying to be the delivery vehicle. An LCDC meeting has been called for next Tuesday 13th Dec to discuss whether LCDC should compete to be the body who oversees the LEADER funding in Clare –  funding that CLDC has been overseeing delivery of  for more than a decade. Very short notice – doesn’t allow proper PPN processes. Clare PPN can’t speak for all members without consulting them. Suggested that we will email all members to ask, via an online survey, what Clare PPN should do – vote yes, no or abstain- this later decided against in favour of an EGM instead.
Long discussion on this issue, with major concerns expressed about the Council’s move to apply for this funding through the LCDC and the conflicts and duplication that happened last time; with the lack of notice arising from this being raised under AOB rather than as an LCDC agenda item causing discontent among members.

Plenary agreed:
•  To call an EGM on Monday evening, 12th December via Zoom, at which the issue can be outlined to Clare PPN members, and they can decide how Clare PPN Reps should vote at Tuesday’s meeting (while noting that certain Reps may be precluded from voting due to possible conflicts of interest arising from their connections to either party).

• Agreed also that concerns should be expressed to Clare Co Council about the handling of this issue.
Some questions were raised as possible questions to put to Clare County Council/LCDC:
– Why does Council want to control the funding ?
What would be the workload and responsibility implications for members of the LCDC?
What extra resources would be assigned to LCDC members

What will happen to jobs in CLDC?


• The meeting expressed gratitude to the commitment and efforts of Cornelia Wahli to the PPN and to several other organisations who were lucky to have her as a member. Cornelia sadly died earlier this year. She was a PPN environmental Rep.

• Disappointment expressed at turnout at Plenary. Suggestion of combining another event, e.g. a guest speaker. Plenaries in future may be alternated between in-person and online (as opposed to having both for each plenary which is the current practice)

• Agreed that newsletter should include a line asking the contact person to share the newsletter within your member group. This request should be included in subject line.


Clare PPN draft Work Plan for 2023

Clare PPN draft Work Plan for 2023

Clare PPN operates on the basis of an annual Work Plan which is devised by the staff and Secretariat according to our remit. Our Work Plan for 2023 was presented at the Clare PPN Plenary meetings on December 8th, 2022.

The Plan will be ratified before Jan 15th, until which time Clare PPN members can send us their input, comments or questions.

When it has been ratified, we then agree it with Clare County Council and sign a Service Level Agreement with them on that basis. You can read our draft work plan for 2023 here:


New policing body must have genuine community involvement

New policing body must have genuine community involvement


Local communities in Clare are set to have a greater role in community safety and policing, thanks to a new government initiative that will replace the Joint Policing Committee. However, it is vital that the Local Community Safety Partnership (LCSP) has genuine community involvement, as set out in the government’s proposal. 

The LCSP – a proposed partnership between local community representatives and State agencies to identify and tackle community safety issues – has the potential to bring greater democracy to community policing and to be a powerful tool for communities. However, Clare PPN is concerned by developments in Waterford, where tensions have arisen at a pilot LCSP which lacks “proper community involvement”, according to a Waterford PPN representative. 

Clare PPN plans to hold a public meeting early in the new year to provide information about, and discuss, the proposed partnership and how it might work in Clare.  

What are LCSPs?
Community safety is a broad concept that goes beyond just policing and crime – it’s about people being and feeling safe in their communities. This includes everything from visible Gardaí and improved street lighting to safe places for children to play. 

With this in mind, the Local Community Safety Partnership (LCSP) is a new government initiative to identify and tackle community safety issues. LCSPs will build on and eventually replace the existing Joint Policing Committees (JPCs) and will provide a forum for State agencies and local community representatives to work together to act on community concerns. 

According to the Dept of Justice, “membership of the partnerships will be broader than that of the existing JPCs and will include residents, community representatives (including youth, new communities and voluntary sector representation), business and education sector representation, relevant public services including the HSE, Tusla, An Garda Síochána and local authorities as well as local councillors.”

In 2021, three pilot LCSPs were set up in Longford, Waterford and Dublin’s North Inner City. These pilot partnerships, which will run for 24 months, will devise and implement the Local Community Safety Plan. 

Clare PPN has enquired of the Dept of Justice and Clare County Council as to when the scheme is likely to be initiated in Clare and we will update when we find out. 

Looking ahead to an LCSP in Clare
Clare PPN believes that if planned and set up in accordance with the vision set out by the Dept of Justice and in genuine consultation with the community sector, the LCSP has the potential to be a powerful tool for communities in Co Clare, giving residents and community representatives a genuine voice in policing and community safety.  

An article in the Dublin Inquirer gives a great account of the pilot scheme in Dublin’s north inner city, where “the partnership aims to give a voice to locals, volunteers and community representatives, and to bolster those making positive contributions to their community”.

We are keen to find out what the process will be for selecting the membership, chairperson and co-ordinator of the LCSP in Clare.

Clare PPN plans to hold a public meeting about the proposed LCSP early in the new year. We will advertise the meeting once we have found a suitable date. 

Clare PPN submissions on biodiversity – November 2022

Clare PPN submissions on biodiversity – November 2022

Clare PPN’s Environmental College recently made two submissions on the topic of biodiversity as part of separate public consultation processes. You can download PDFs of these submissions at the links below. 

Clare PPN submission to the Citizen’s Assembly on Biodiversity Loss:

Clare PPN submission to the 4th National Biodiversity Action Plan: