Rural Development Forum – Notice of Elections- Call for nominations.

February 13th 2017

Notice of Elections: Seeking a representative from Clare PPN to participate in the Rural Development Forum.

Clare PPN is holding an online election for a representative to attend Clare County Council’s Rural Development Forum on our behalf. The forum is an initiative of Clare County Council’s CE Pat Dowling and aims to set out a new Rural Development Strategy for the County.  This initiative is timed to coincide with the National Government’s Action Plan for Rural Ireland and to maximise its potential for County Clare. The forum will mostly be focused on identifying projects that can be developed within the time frames of the Action Plan and avail of whatever funding is made available.

This new Rural Development Forum will meet 5 times before summer, and may or may not continue thereafter or in fact it may continue in a different format. This means that for the moment we are seeking someone who is available between now and summer to attend meetings and who will be willing to take on the work of reporting back from each meeting to the members of Clare PPN. We would hope that the person elected will be someone who already has experience in the area of rural development but they may be from any of the three PPN colleges.

NB: The forum’s first meeting is on Wednesday 15th of February and Clare PPN’s Christy Sinclair of Burren Ecotourism Network will attend this meeting in an acting capacity and will report back until we have a representative in place.

We are open for nominations from today Mon 13th Feb until Thursday 23rd of February and every group who is a member of Clare PPN today can nominate one person for the position.

After the 23rd Feb we will circulate a list of candidates and every group who is today (Monday 13th Feb 2017 ) a member of Clare PPN will be entitled to vote for those candidates. The election will be held on March 6th 2017

According to last year’s updated guidelines for PPNs nationally, no person who already holds a representative position for the PPN can be nominated for this role although secretariat members may be nominated by their groups so long as they do not hold any other position within the PPN.

How to Nominate a Candidate:

To nominate a candidate please email with the following information on or before Monday 13th February.

  • Your name and contact details
  • Your group’s name
  • Your chosen candidate’s name and contact details
  • A short statement (even one sentence) on your nominees suitability for the role.

Please note that even if you have nominated a candidate you will still need to cast a vote for them after the nomination period has closed. More details and reminders of how to do this will be circulated when the list of candidates is finalised.

Consultation on Development Contribution Scheme 2017-2023 (Draft) Deadline Feb 13th 2017

Clare County Council are currently accepting submissions on the Draft Development Contribution Scheme 2017-2023

‘Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 48(4) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 as amended, that Clare County Council has prepared a Draft Development Contribution Scheme for the period 2017-2023

Copies of the Draft Development Contribution Scheme 2017-2023, showing specific details of the proposed contributions are available for public inspection at the following locations during normal working hours from Friday 9th December 2016 to Monday 13th February 2017:

  • Planning & Enterprise Development Section, Áras Contae an Chláir, New Road, Ennis
  • DeValera Library and the Local Studies Centre, Ennis
  • Kilrush Municipal District Office, Kilrush
  • Killaloe Municipal District Office, Scarriff
  • Shannon Municipal District Office, Shannon

The scheme is also available on the link below

Submissions or observations in relation to the Draft Development Contribution Scheme 2017-2023 may be made in writing or e-mail to the Planning Authority before the end of the period for inspection. Submissions should be clearly marked “Draft Development Contribution Scheme 2017-2023″ and forwarded to the:

Senior Staff Officer,
Planning & Enterprise Development,
Clare County Council,
Áras Contae an Chláir,
New Road,
Co. Clare.

Alternatively, submissions or observations may be e-mailed to (maximum document size by e-mail: 4MB).

Latest date for receipt of submissions is Monday 13th February at 4:00 p.m.

NB. As this is a public consultation process, submissions may be made available for public viewing and consequently personal details such as address, email address, and phone number should be submitted on a separate sheet accompanying any submissions or observations

Notice of Elections- Call for Nominations: for a representative to assist with LEADER Programme Evaluations

Monday 17th October 2016

Clare Local Development Company has invited the PPN to nominate a representative to sit on its Community Development and Social Inclusion Evaluation Committee 

This Committee will assess LEADER programme applications and make recommendations to the Board.  They have asked that all candidates should meet the following criteria:

  • Be available for attendance at meetings (6 meetings per year, 2 hours per meeting) until 2020
  • Have experience in community development, networks and funding applications.
  • Knowledge of previous LEADER programmes is desirable
  • Applications to be assessed by this committee will include community facilities, biodiversity, broadband and renewables projects so expertise in any of these areas is welcome.
  • For more details on the new LEADER programme, visit

IMPORTANT: How to Nominate a Candidate- 

  • Current Member groups of Clare PPN who meet the membership criteria can nominate one person each – we recommend that each group’s contact person makes their members aware of this election and seeks their input.
  • The person nominated must also be a member of a group which is a member of Clare PPN.
  • The person nominated must have consented in advance to their own nomination.
  • The person nominated should not be a representative for the PPN on any other board or committee.
  • These positions are open to Clare PPN Secretariat Members should they be nominated through the procedure detailed here.

We need you to send the name, group, address and contact details of the nominee as well as the proposer’s name, group and contact details to me along with a brief description of the nominee’s suitability for the role- no more than 200 words.

Please be aware this information about the nominee will be shared throughout our network and on social media so please ask for the nominee’s consent before sending.

Nominations must be submitted on or before October 25th after which, if there is more than one candidate nominated their details will be circulated to members and they will be asked to vote by email for the candidate of their choice with a cut off date for voting of Wednesday 6th November  2016.

Invitation to Housing Matters a Workshop By Dr Rory Hearne on November 3rd

Clare Public Participation Network Event Notice:


By Dr Rory Hearne

 What: Housing Matters – Clare Public Participation Network to host workshop on Housing.

When: November 3rd 2016 7.00 PM

Where: McGuire Suite, The Old Ground Hotel, Ennis

Contact: Sarah Clancy, Clare PPN Coordinator on / 087 161 7375

Ireland is in the midst of a housing crisis, rents have spiralled, thousands are homeless and yet there are over a quarter of a million houses empty in the country. If this is something that concerns you Clare Public Participation Network would like to invite you to its next event:  ‘Housing Matters- A workshop on housing policy from Dr Rory Hearne’

We are very lucky to have Dr Rory Hearne who is an academic, author and policy expert in housing coming to deliver the session. Dr Hearne has been at the forefront of researching and advocating a human rights and equality based approach to addressing the housing crisis. He also worked for many years as a community worker and policy advisor on the urban regeneration and human rights project in Dolphin House in Dublin’s inner city.

The whole event will be practical, friendly and informal. It will be chaired by Clare PPN member Mary O’Donoghue, who for her day job is the Coordinator of the West Clare Family Resource Centre. It will aim to make sure that people who are working or who want to work towards fair, sustainable and rights-based housing policies in the county get to meet and to engage with each other around the issues and have a chance to become more informed.

Clare PPN has elected community representatives on Clare County Council’s Housing and Planning Committee and on the Local Community Development Committee and these representatives will be attending the workshop hoping to identify the main issues of concern in the county so that they can raise them on the bodies they sit on.

This event is open to the general public and so everyone is welcome to attend- housing policy affects everyone so please feel certain that you are welcome.


Dr Hearne’s academic, media and policy analysis of housing in Ireland include:

How the Government Should Tackle the Housing Crisis, The Irish Times, May 11th, 2016

The State Must Intervene in the Housing Market, The Irish Times, October 22nd, 2015

Nama is Fuelling High Rents by Pandering to Investors, Irish Times, November 28th, 2014

Hearne, R. & Boyle, M. (2016) Achieving a right to the city in practice: community development and human rights approaches in Dublin’s inner city communities, NIRSA Working Paper No. 79, NIRSA Maynooth

Kitchin, R., Hearne, R., & O’ Callaghan, C. (2015) Housing in Ireland: From Crisis to Crisis, NIRSA Working Paper No. 77, NIRSA Maynooth

Hearne, R. & Kenna, P. (2014) ‘Using the Human Rights Based Approach to tackle housing deprivation in an Irish urban housing estate’, Journal of Human Rights Practice, Vol 6, Issue 1, March 2014, pp 1-25

Hearne, R. & Kenna, P. (2015) Collective Complaint Against Ireland for Sub-Standard Housing Issues on Local Authority Estates, NUI Galway, Council of Europe European Committee of Social Rights

Hearne, R (2014) The importance of standards and community: Tenants experience of social housing in Ireland, in Sirr, L. (ed.) Public and Private Renting in Ireland, Dublin: Institute of Public Administration

Hearne, R. & Redmond, D. (2014) The collapse of PPPs: prospects for social housing regeneration after the crash, in MacLaran, A. & Kelly, S. (eds.) Neoliberal Urban Policy and the Transformation of the City, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

Hearne, R., Kitchin, R. & O’ Callaghan, C. (2014) Spatial justice and housing in Ireland, in Kearns, G. et al. Spatial Justice and the Irish Crisis, Dublin: Royal Irish Academy

Redmond, D. & Hearne, R. (2013) Starting afresh: Housing Associations, stock transfer and regeneration, Dublin: Cluid Housing Association

Hearne, R. (2011) Public Private Partnerships in Ireland: failed experiment or the way forward? Manchester University Press

Consultation on Local Property Tax Levels: Deadline July 31st 2016


Have you concerns or opinions about the setting of Local Property Tax levels in Clare? If so your council is currently seeking submissions on this topic. Under recent legislation (The Finance Act 2012) County Councillors are allowed to vary the rates of Local Property Tax in their jurisdiction within a range of +/- 15%. They must do this by making a formal resolution of the County Council and there is a meeting for this purpose coming up in September 2016. Before that meeting happens the Council are open for submissions from the public as to what you think should happen. You can make these submissions by post or online and the process is explained at the link below :

Local Property Tax Consultation

The deadline is July 31st so don’t delay…