Monday 17th October 2016

Clare Local Development Company has invited the PPN to nominate a representative to sit on its Community Development and Social Inclusion Evaluation Committee 

This Committee will assess LEADER programme applications and make recommendations to the Board.  They have asked that all candidates should meet the following criteria:

  • Be available for attendance at meetings (6 meetings per year, 2 hours per meeting) until 2020
  • Have experience in community development, networks and funding applications.
  • Knowledge of previous LEADER programmes is desirable
  • Applications to be assessed by this committee will include community facilities, biodiversity, broadband and renewables projects so expertise in any of these areas is welcome.
  • For more details on the new LEADER programme, visit

IMPORTANT: How to Nominate a Candidate- 

  • Current Member groups of Clare PPN who meet the membership criteria can nominate one person each – we recommend that each group’s contact person makes their members aware of this election and seeks their input.
  • The person nominated must also be a member of a group which is a member of Clare PPN.
  • The person nominated must have consented in advance to their own nomination.
  • The person nominated should not be a representative for the PPN on any other board or committee.
  • These positions are open to Clare PPN Secretariat Members should they be nominated through the procedure detailed here.

We need you to send the name, group, address and contact details of the nominee as well as the proposer’s name, group and contact details to me along with a brief description of the nominee’s suitability for the role- no more than 200 words.

Please be aware this information about the nominee will be shared throughout our network and on social media so please ask for the nominee’s consent before sending.

Nominations must be submitted on or before October 25th after which, if there is more than one candidate nominated their details will be circulated to members and they will be asked to vote by email for the candidate of their choice with a cut off date for voting of Wednesday 6th November  2016.