Clare PPN/Clare Environmental Network Submission to Clare County Development Plan 2022-2028

Clare PPN/ Clare Environmental Network Submission to Clare County Development Plan 2022-2028

Our thanks to all the members of our environmental college and of Clare Environmental Network who participated in our consultation on the new Clare County Development Plan for the years 2022- 2028.  We have a 24 page submission full of great suggestions and expertise thanks to you all. You can read it at the link below:

Clare PPN CEN Environmental Submission for CDP 2022-2028

‘The Vision for County Clare 2022-2028’
A county that values, protects and restores its unique landscape, environment
and biodiversity, where sustainable livelihoods are prioritised for this and future
generations and where citizens, migrants, ethnic minorities and people of all
abilities, age groups and genders are able to reach their potential in an
atmosphere of support, respect and inclusion, and where Local Government is
open, transparent, accountable and committed to reducing poverty and
marginalisation within the County. Our vision is for a County to be part of and a
County to be proud of


Notice of Election – Fisheries Local Action Group requires a board member from Clare PPN

28th September 2016 Notice of Election

Clare PPN has been invited to elect a person to the board of Fisheries Local Action Group West (FLAG West)

What is FLAG West?

FLAG stands for Fisheries Local Action Group and these are community led local development organisations which aim to place the community living in fisheries and aquaculture dependent areas at their centre. Groups of people representing defined geographical areas in the form of Fisheries Local Action Groups (FLAGs) are charged with identifying the challenges to development in their own communities and developing initiatives to address these challenges. Through Local Development Strategies (LDSs), FLAG’s seek to facilitate participation by all parties who wish to contribute to this process,
thus ensuring that each LDS is as representative of the community view as possible. The FLAG group will have the ability to distribute and allocate funding to various projects which are identified under each LDS.

A briefing document about the purpose and remit of FLAG groups is attached here:


A factsheet about FLAG West can be found at this link:


Interested candidates may also e-mail Mr Seamus Breathnach, FLAG West Co-ordinator for more details of the role at  or call him on 095 32028 / 087 9093273

Person Specification:

This person must live in one of the coastal areas of County Clare and it would be beneficial if they have been active in community development in coastal areas, with candidates who have experience of marine and coastal tourism, environment, or fishing being most welcome. A female candidate is preferred due to the current gender balance of the board.

The role has a three year term with approximately 4- 6 meetings taking place per year and basic travel and subsistence expenses will be paid by FLAG west to the nominee. As well as a briefing by the organisation’s chair there will be training provided to the successful candidate on an ongoing basis.

How to Nominate a Candidate:

  • Current Member groups of Clare PPN who meet the membership criteria can nominate one person each – we recommend that each group’s contact person makes their members aware of this election and seeks their input.
  • The person nominated must also be a member of a group which is a member of Clare PPN.
  • The person nominated must live in a coastal region of the county and must have agreed to their own nomination.

We need you to send the name, group, address and contact details of the nominee as well as the proposer’s name, group and contact details to me along with a brief description of the nominee’s suitability for the role- no more than 200 words.

Please be aware this information about the nominee will be shared throughout our network and on social media so please ask for the nominee’s consent before sending.

Nominations must be submitted on or before October 10th after which all candidate details will be circulated to members and they will be asked to vote by email for the candidate of their choice with a cut off date for voting of Wednesday 19th of October 2016.













Call for submissions on guidelines for meaningful participation in political decision making

Council of Europe calls for submissions on guidelines for meaningful participation in political decision making


The Council of Europe, through the European Committee on Democracy and Governance (CDDG) and the Conference of International Non-Governmental Organisations (Conference of INGOs), is preparing guidelines to help ensure meaningful civil participation in political decision-making in its member states.

Before finalising the draft guidelines, a wide public consultation on the draft text is being organised. This consultation seeks to obtain the input from as many actors as possible from public bodies and authorities as well as civil society.

The joint working group of the CDDG and Conference of INGOs will carefully consider the comments and observations received when finalising the draft guidelines before presenting these to the CDDG for transmission to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe for adoption.

You are invited to take part in this consultation process and to submit your observations on the draft guidelines to theSecretariat of the CDDG by 4 September 2016.

More details here:

Guidelines here: