Clare PPN would like to give notice of an election for a Representative from a member group of Clare PPN’s Environmental College to the Local Community Development Committee (LCDC).

The Local Community Development Committee comprises Council officials, Elected Councillors, and various business and community representatives. The LCDC was set up:

To prepare and adopt the community elements of the 6 year Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP)
To co-ordinate, manage and oversee the implementation of local and community development programmes
To administer various funding streams tackling poverty and social exclusion
The LCDC meets at least six times per annum and reps are required to attend a pre-meeting with Clare PPN in advance to discuss the agenda and any issues raised by our member groups.

The representative must agree to the Clare PPN Representatives’ Charter 2023 which sets out the responsibilities and obligations of this voluntary role.

**Please note that due to Clare PPN’s rules, any person who has publicly declared their intention to run for local, general or EU elections can not act as a representative for Clare PPN until 6 months have passed since the date of the relevant election*

Election Rules and Process:

Each environmental pillar member group may nominate one candidate and may cast one vote in each of these elections. (It is each group’s named contact person’s responsibility to consult with their own members regarding this)
Only groups who were members of Clare PPN on Wednesday, 6th March 2024 are eligible to participate in this election.
Only groups who are members of the Environmental College/Pillar can participate in this election.
No person can represent Clare PPN on more than one external committee or body.
How to nominate a candidate:

Groups wishing to nominate a candidate must seek their consent first and then must send an email to with the following information on or before Friday, 22nd March at 5pm:

Name of PPN member group.
Position for which they are nominating a candidate.
Name of proposed nominee.
Contact details of proposed nominee.
A short paragraph (up to 200 words) detailing the nominees’ suitability and experience for the role- this will be shared on social media and on our website in advance of voting.
A photo of your nominee which we may share with our members and social media followers.
Clare PPN will confirm receipt of nominations by email. Following the close of nominations Clare PPN will circulate details of candidates to relevant member groups on Monday 25th March and they will be invited to cast their votes using our online form. Online voting will remain open until 1pm on Monday 1st April. No votes will be accepted after this time. The successful candidate will then be contacted and offered the position.

If you need any more information or wish to discuss the role further please email or call 087 1617375

NB: Even if you have nominated a candidate, you will still need to cast your vote to support their election.

Finally, we’d like to take this opportunity to thank Theresa O’Donohoe for her tireless work as an Environmental Rep on the LCDC.