20th June 2022 Economic Development SPC report by Emma Karran

Active Land Management Measures:

  • Residential Zoned Land Tax will replace vacant site levy and comes into effect in 2024. Vacant site levy until then, with legislation to bridge the gap.
  • Derelict sites excluded
  • Buildings with commercial rates won’t be liable to tax
  • Maps (updated and reviewed each year) will be circulated – with appeal process. They will provide baseline for tax to be managed. LA responsibility to publish maps.
  • Permission to request change of zoning accepted this year (and guidelines will be issued).
  • Rev Commissioners will manage tax
  • Any piece of land which fell into scope in Jan 22 is liable.


Q: uplift in value doesn’t go to the State.

R: Efforts will be made to secure a proportion of that value. State taking more active role for the common good to get more share of uplift in value. Working with Attorney General on this – for future funding of infrastructure.

Q: developers sometimes withhold access to infrastructure (incl zoned land within it).

R: Nothing specific in legislation if it’s within control of land owner. Land owners can be pushed to make sure land is activated and developed for housing.


Shannon Foynes Port Co presentation: (still waiting for presentation to be sent in)

CEO Keating

  • “Fossil fuels no longer an alternative” he said but also “potentially Shannon LNG”.
  • Cruise ship potential in the estuary
  • Big plan for offshore wind project. (Memorandum signed with Norwegian Co)
  • Need to reactivate Shannon Integrated Framework Plan
  • Shannon Estuary Taskforce there to help
  • Rosslare is not competition because it is a small harbour
  • Target is for 80% of electricity produced using renewable energy by 2030. We need a national policy about harnessing wind energy: bringing together different depts.

Emma Karran: “As SFPC is a state body under AEGIS of Dept of Transport – and current Govt policy is not to support Shannon LNG, I would be grateful if you could place on record that SFPC is in opposition to LNG terminal (in line with Govt policy). And (ii) asking opinion of impact of disastrous recent LNG plans to build a floating terminal which would effectively block any other development in the estuary (when a tanker was arriving). Potential therefore to sterilise the estuary.”

Response: It is before ABP right now – “in the system” – and not going to comment on a [live] planning application.  Gas is a transition fuel: cleanest recognised globally and estuary will not be clogged from a shipping point of view because it is so wide.

Climate Change and Biodiversity

This was postponed until the Sept meeting because of lack of time

Abodoo Report (Presentation was sent on separately)

Notes: 78% of businesses in Clare are microenterprises. 53% of them are in Ennis; next biggest Shannon. ICT top. Av earnings: 36K. 10% (?) self-employed (National av is 8%)


Money Point to report at a future meeting