Draft Clare PPN submissions to the Draft Clare County Development Plan


Update – April 5th, 2022: The public consultation process for the Clare County Development Plan 2023-2029 has now closed. Both of Clare PPN’s final submissions are available to download from the following page:




March 20th, 2022: Clare PPN has been participating in the process of creating a new County Development Plan for Clare since 2020. We held consultations, information sessions and calls for input to create submissions from our Environment and Social Inclusion Colleges at the Pre Draft Stage which concluded last year. The public consultation period on the Draft County Development Plan is now open and will close for submissions on March 28th. (If you want to make your own submission details on how to do it are here: https://clarecdp2023-2029.clarecoco.ie/make-a-submission/

While people and groups can and are encouraged to make individual submissions on matters that concern them, in Clare PPN we usually pool our resources to make collective submissions on the overall approaches we’d like taken in the County. You can read our proposed submissions below and your group contact should also have received them by email. if you are in a member group of either the environmental or social inclusion college of Clare PPN you can still send us any suggestions or additions but we need to get them before Thursday March 24th in order to add them and make sure we meet the deadline.


Our environmental submission can be read here and if you have any comments or additions to it please email newsletter@clareppn.ie on or before Thursday March 24th.

CPPN- CEN Draft Submission to Draft Clare County Development Plan March 2022


Our social inclusion submission can be read here and if you have any comments or additions to it please email admin@clareppn.ie on or before Thursday March 2th.

DRAFT Clare PPN Social Inclusion Submission to Clare County Development Plan

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Sarah C