Towards an Anti Poverty Strategy for Clare December 10th 3.30 pm via zoom.

Clare PPN invite you to an online discussion with researcher Dr Conor McCabe on creating an Anti-Poverty Strategy for Clare:
To reserve a place and receive the link please register by emailing
More Info:
At this event which is being held to mark International Human Rights Day, author, academic and activist Dr Conor Mc Cabe will present a discussion document outlining the initial stages of a research project he has been carrying out for Clare PPN.
This project seeks to create a 5 year anti-poverty strategy for Clare based on the lived experiences of people encountering the various interlinked forms of poverty in the county. The project which is the first of its kind will run until May 2022 and is funded by the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission under their Human Rights and Equality Grant Scheme 2021.
In this event Dr McCabe will present his initial analysis of the policies at a national and local level which provide the framework under which the economic development of Clare is being conducted. An open discussion on whether this framework is suitable to deliver sustainable rural and urban livelihoods in Clare will follow with input invited from those in attendance.
The project will continue in early 2022 with a series of peer to peer interviews and ‘town hall style’ meetings and focus groups where those affected by poverty in Clare as well as those providing state and charitable services in the county will be given the opportunity to input to this research.
While this event is open to all we particularly wish to invite our member groups, our political representatives and those working in the areas of planning and community development to attend this event.
To reserve your place please email

Dr. Conor McCabe is a researcher and author of Sins of the Father: the Decisions that Shaped the Irish Economy (2013), and Money (2018). He works with political, trade union, and community groups exploring the dynamics of theory and action for societal change.