Report from Emma Karran on Economic Development SPC on 8th June 2021


1) SRA on EU Funding Opps 

Johnny expressed concern that Clare is always ‘firefighting’  PJ Kelly asked for confirmation that 90% of expenditure goes to L’k, Cork and Waterford  (this was not contested).  PJ Ryan asked how to promote Shannon Airport.  Johnny raised point about an EU Hub now Heathrow out of the picture.  Liam responded re this last point that this is “the start of a conversation”

2) Planning

(i) CDP review update

Helen Q gave a break down of submissions (I think you might have these already?) (renewable energy at the top at 34%).  She spoke about the various volumes that would be drafted. Draft will be ready by the start of August, followed by 10 weeks of public consultation events.  Johnny expressed concern about retail strategy (vulnerability of N and W Clare local retail due to development around L’k – esp after Covid and Brexit).  PJ Ryan asked about the land zoning time frame.  I asked about how submissions are weighted.  Patrick Keogh asked about housing strategy and water infrastructure.  Michael Begley asked if there would be more detailed flood risk maps. Helen replied that the flood maps are informed by the OPW and she hoped they would reflect what happens on the ground.

This seems a very salient point, given Ennis could well be largely under water in less than ten years! Has anyone taken in the urgency and implications of this yet???

(ii) LECP Guidelines (Liam)

He reflected on whether there would be an annual or biannual review in the new action plan.  He spoke of the need to make sure climate action was overarching in the LECP process – and impact of climate action bill  Johnny asked if the next (2022) census would be accommodated?  Liam replied that next LECP update will follow the census, but can’t be immediately (need to have time lapse of a year? after census)

4) Climate Change and Biodiversity (Liam)

Liam spoke about the Intergovernmental Action Plan 2021: esp the role of enterprise in carbon emissions and the focus is on reducing the latter  I made my point buttering their bread about how Clare could be in the forefront – and supporting what Liam had just said (as I mentioned in yesterday’s email).  Liam then said an academic study was needed on the economic vulnerability of Clare to sea level rise. We can feed into OPW info re flood levels rising. He said work was being done on Clare’s part in creating jobs in a reduced carbon economy. There would be a presentation at CARO level before the end of the year