Rural Development SPC report by Jean Tierney – 16th February 2021

Were you asked to raise any issues on behalf of Clare PPN members at this meeting?

Yes I was asked to notify the meeting of the information and consultation evening being held by the PPN in relation to the National Water Resource Plan and that the PPN members would be making a community submission


Main topics discussed at the meeting:

Rural and Community department support of the covid19 community response forum, helpline and general trends. Digi clare and national broad band roll out. Climate change adaptation strategy and biodiversity. Review of rural strategy


List any decisions made at the meeting:

I missed the start of the meeting as I had to attend another meeting. I joined at the end of the digi clare presentation, so don’t know if there were any decisions prior to joining. Climate change – Anny is to bring an agenda item on fuel for the next meeting Review of rural strategy – there was a discussion about the need to covid proof the strategy and will be added to next agenda


Do you require any action to be taken by Clare PPN staff as a result of this meeting?
