REPORT TO PPN of SPC Rural Development 16th February 2021

by Anny Wise

This was the first meeting held completely on ZOOM.  The agenda included COVID-19 community response which was a presentation and we were asked for suggestions. But a long discussion was had.

The second presentation was on DigiClare and broadband roll-out.

Several suggestions were made especially on the location of forthcoming hubs – and that the National broadband rollout to start from Limerick Clare.  That being South East Clare towards Kilkishen and East Clare to Parteen and above.  The Eircom Infrastructure such as replace pole is to go through the planning process.

When the Climate Change and Biodiversity came on the agenda – I was asked to report. I gave information of the Wind Farm procedure going through the department of Malcom Noolan (I met him with another committee on Zoom earlier that week) and pointed out that with extreme wind if trees appear to be in danger – cut the branches and not the tree.  I gave statistic on the benefit of trees.

I than asked for suggestions from the Power Point shown at the last meeting – there were none. I than offered to make one for the next meeting and this was agreed.

The subject was to be “Methods of Home Heating.

The final point on the agenda was the fact that Clare’s Rural Development Strategy was to be reviewed – it was felt some of it was already outdated.  The Rural Development Forum was to give our committee proposed changes.

I had already asked for Jean Tierney O’Keeffe wanted to bring under any other Business

She spoke on behalf of the PPN – saying that as National Water Resources Plan meeting on Zoom on Monday 22nd February – the members were then sent a notice and link to it the following day.