Notice of Plenary Meeting: December 8th 2020 at 7PM (Online)

And don’t miss our Christmas prize draw with two fabulous prizes:

Anyone from any of our member groups who attends our online Christmas Plenary will be entered in a draw for these two great prizes:

1st Prize €100.00 Voucher for Hotel Doolin which can be used for any of the services on offer there from accommodation, to the restaurant or tickets for one of the many arts and music events that are due to take place in the months ahead.

2nd Prize €50.00 voucher for The Rowan Tree Cafe Bar in Ennis where you can go out for lunch or treat someone to dinner over the Christmas season.

Clare Public Participation Network warmly invites all member groups to attend its second online Plenary Meeting which will take place on Tuesday December 8th 2020 at 7pm.

Please reserve your place at this meeting by emailing your name and member group name to on or before Monday December 7th 2020

Only those registered in advance will receive the link to the meeting.

What is a Plenary Meeting?
Plenary meetings are the main decision making forums for Clare PPN -at these meetings all member groups are invited to attend and to put items forward for the agenda for discussion or for inclusion in the work plan of Clare PPN. At each of these meetings the staff and secretariat of Clare PPN present an update on the work, finances, and activities of the PPN from the preceding three months and present their work plan for discussion and input from member groups for the forthcoming three months.

Online Meeting:
Due to the Covid-19 restrictions this Plenary Meeting will be held online via zoom. Any member or person who would like to receive training in how to use Zoom should email and William Hederman will arrange a session with you to help familiarise you with how to participate using this tool. You will need a smart phone or computer and an internet connection to use zoom. If possible each member group should nominate someone who has these facilities to represent them at this Plenary Meeting.

If any group is unable to attend online please feel free to send us submissions or items for our agenda via email to or by calling us on 087 1617375.

Call for Agenda Items:

All current member groups can propose agenda items for this meeting on or before December 3rd 2020 Please send these using the subject line ”Agenda Item Plenary Meeting” to

Clare PPN’s representatives who sit on 11 boards and committees in the County will also have an opportunity to present updates from their committees and to take any questions or input from member groups at this meeting.

At the beginning of each plenary meeting we will present an introduction to the Public Participation Network in Clare for new member groups and a question and answer session will be held.

Please reserve your place at this meeting by emailing your name and member group name to on or before Monday December 7th 2020.