Planning Consultation on the Clare Garda Divisional Policing Plan 2019


The Joint Policing Committee is forwarding a letter on behalf of Chief Supt. John Kerin, in relation to the Planning Consultation on the Clare Garda Divisional Policing Plan 2019.

Planning Consultation on the Clare Garda Divisional Policing Plan 2019

The Joint Policing Committee (JPC) provides a forum where a Clar County Council and An Garda Síochána, with the participation of Clare PPN, Oireachtas members, local councillors and community interests, consult, discuss and make recommendations on matters affecting the policing of the local area in order to contribute to the improved safety and quality of life of the community.

The functions of the JPC are to (a) serve as a forum for consultations, discussions and recommendations on policing and crime issues within local authority administrative areas, (b) review levels and patterns of crime and related underlying factors, and (c) establish and coordinate Local Policing Fora.

Please send your replies directly An Garda Síochána by 6th January 2019, via email or by post to Divisional Office, An Garda Síochána, Abbey Street, Ennis, Co. Clare.