Clare PPN Notice of Elections

21st of May 2018

Acceptance of nominations has been extended to Thursday 7th June at 5pm.

Clare Public Participation Network gives notice of its intention to conduct elections from among its membership for the following positions which have become vacant.
  1. Killaloe Municipal District Secretariat Member.
  2. Social Inclusion College Representative to sit on Clare County Council’s Local Community Development Committee (LCDC).
  3. Community and Voluntary College Representative to sit on Clare County Council’s Social Development Strategic Policy Committee (SPC)
Clare PPN seeks nominations from its member groups for candidates for each of the above roles.

Election Rules and Process:

  • Only groups who were members of Clare PPN on 20th  of May 2018 are eligible to vote in these elections.
  • No person can represent Clare PPN on more than one external committee or body.
  • Only groups with registered from addresses in Killaloe Municipal District may nominate or vote for that Secretariat seat. (Position 1)
  • Only groups who are members of the Social Inclusion College may nominate or vote for the Social Inclusion Representative Seat (Position 2)
  • Only groups who are members of the Community and Voluntary Pillar may vote for the Community and Voluntary Seat on the Social Development SPC (Position 3)

Each member group may nominate one candidate and may cast one vote in the relevant election- it is each group’s named contact person’s responsibility to consult with their own members in regard to this.

If any group is uncertain about their Municipal District or College they can contact us on 087 1617375 or by email to

How to nominate a candidate:

Groups wishing to nominate a candidate must seek their consent first and then must send us an email to with the following information on or before Thursday,June 7th at 5 PM :

  1. Name of Community Group.
  2. Position number for which they are nominating a candidate.
  3. Name of proposed nominee.
  4. Contact details of proposed nominee.
  5. A short paragraph (up to 200 words) detailing the nominees’ suitability and experience for the role- this will be shared on social media and on our website in advance of voting.
  6. A photo of your nominee which we may share with our members and social media followers.

Clare PPN will confirm receipt of nominations by email.

Following the close of nominations Clare PPN will circulate details of candidates to our members and online and voting will be open until June 13th at 5pm.  

The names of the successful candidates will be announced at Clare PPN’s plenary meeting which will take place on June 14th 2018. Details to follow.

NB: Even if you have nominated a candidate you will still need to cast your vote to support their election.

Details: Position 1. Killaloe Municipal District Secretariat Member

Clare PPN is managed by a board known as the Secretariat. This secretariat is responsible for running the Public Participation Network in Clare between plenary meetings where the member groups’ views and input are sought.  Clare PPN has two part time staff and an annual budget of €80,000 per year in funding which is provided by the Department of Rural and Community Development and Clare County Council. The secretariat which is a flat structure meets at least six times per year with those meetings usually taking place in Ennis County Clare.  Candidates will also be required to attend events and meetings organised by the PPN itself for the purposes of consulting with our member groups. Clare PPN is currently seeking nominations for a representative from the Killaloe Municipal District. The ideal candidate will be a person who is well connected with community groups in the area and someone who has a genuine interest in increasing participation by local groups in Local Government Structures. Whilst all correctly nominated candidates will go forward equally Clare PPN would particularly welcome women candidates for this role to assist with gender balance on the Secretariat which is currently 7/3 men/ women.

For more details on the current secretariat see here

Details; Position 2. Social Inclusion Representative on Clare County Council’s Local Community Development Committee.

The Local Community Development Committee is comprised of Council Officials, Elected Councillors, and various business and community representatives. Among other things LCDC has the job of developing and overseeing the community elements of Clare County Council’s  6 year long Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP). This is an important committee for Clare PPN and its members and we have 5 seats on it. The vacancy is for a social inclusion seat and we would encourage nominations of people who have an understanding or experience or interest in any of the following areas; combatting social exclusion, poverty reduction, anti-discrimination policy making, community development, intercultural and anti-racism work.  This committee meets 5- 6 times per year and the successful nominee will also be required to participate on occasion in other networking, consultation  and policy making events with member groups and Clare PPN secretariat.

For more details on Clare PPN’s representatives on the LCDC see here here

For more details on the Local Community Development Committee itself see here

Details: Position 3. Community and Voluntary Representative on Clare County Council’s Social Development Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) 

This committee is made up of Elected Councillors, Council Officials and community and social partner representatives. They have the role of helping to form, advise and monitor all policies relating to housing, estate management, culture and sports in County Clare. The task of each SPC is to assist and advise the council in the formulation, development and review of policy.  This committee meets approximately 4- 5 times per year. The successful nominee would be required to participate in other events organised by Clare PPN to inform, network and consult with members on the activities of this committee.  For this role Clare PPN are seeking a nominee from the community and voluntary college who preferably has an interest in some or all of the following- arts policy and funding and community art, sports and sports development in County Clare and as this committee deals primarily with issues of housing we would welcome someone who would be willing to participate constructively on matters of housing policy in County Clare.

For more details on Clare PPN’s representatives on this committee please see : here

For more details about the SPC itself from Clare County Council please see Here

For any further information about any of the above roles or Clare PPN’s election processes please feel free to call us on 087 1617375.