Clare Public Participation Network and Clare Local Development Company invite you to Rural Rejigs- a day of ideas and discussions on how our communities can thrive. 

Clare PPN Rural Rejig

When: Saturday December 9th 2017

Where: Corofin Community Hall

What time: 09.30 – 5.00 pm

Tickets are free and you can register at this link:

Please note that children are most welcome and there will be childcare and activities for children during the day but please book a child ticket at the link above for each child. This venue is wheelchair accessible.

Clare Public Participation Network and Clare Local Development Company are holding a community think- in this Saturday December 9th in Corofin Community Hall.  The day which is free of charge and open to the public will provide an opportunity for people from all over Clare to discuss and learn from each other’s efforts in building vibrant thriving communities. There will also be invited guest speakers from organisations such as award winning start up social enterprise FoodCloud, Social Farming Ireland, Loop Head Tourism, Wild Kitchen, Feasta, Clare County Council, the Leader Programme in Clare and others.

The day’s events will be chaired by Clare based journalist and author Michael McCaughan, who during his time as the Latin American Correspondent for the Irish Times and Guardian Newspapers reported extensively on communities’ efforts to organise themselves in places such as Bolivia, Colombia and Mexico. There will also be music from internationally renowned Palestinian percussionist Raed Said who will discuss the role of art and culture in communities under pressure.

Speaking on the plans for the day Clare PPN Coordinator Sarah Clancy said;

‘Very often people involved in community development don’t get a chance to get together to think or plan, we have to keep reacting, keep chasing funding and deadlines and trying to provide services on a shoestring.  Even though community groups and activists are vital to the survival of all that is good about rural Ireland they are under a lot of pressure now and Clare PPN wants this day to be a break from that- a day at the end of the year to regroup, to think, and to imagine what is possible for us to achieve working together in County Clare.

Clare PPN and Clare Local Development Company invite everyone with an interest in building sustainable thriving and inclusive communities to come and join us in Corofin on Saturday. The only request we have is that attendees come with open minds and a willingness to share their experiences and to listen to others.

Lovely vegetarian lunch will be provided by Moonbear Catering and childcare and activities will be available.

Guest speakers joining us include: 

  • Micheal McCaughan, Journalist and author
  • Stephanie Jaeger of Social Farming Ireland
  • Dr Mark Garavan, Applied Social Care Lecturer GMIT
  • Oonagh O’Dwyer – Wild Kitchen
  • Eoin MacCuirc Founding Director of award winning social enterprise FoodCloud
  • Cillian Murphy, Loop Head Tourism
  • Raed Said- Master Percussionist from Palestine
  • Leonard Cleary- Acting Director of Rural Development Clare County Council
  • Gloria Callinan, Clare Local Development Company

Programme for the day: