Clare PPN would like to draw your attention to the fact that a new consultation period to allow people and organisations to contribute to the National Drugs Strategy for 2017 was launched on September 6th and will end on October 18th 2016.

This period will include a series of regional public meetings where attendees will have the opportunity to meet the Minister of State Catherine Byrne, and to make submissions to the strategy. The closest meeting for Clare people will take place in Limerick’s Strand Hotel on Wednesday 14th of September 2016 from 2- 5 pm

To register and secure your place for representative(s) of your organisation, please RSVP to by 5pm on Thursday 8th September, 2016, or before.

More info on meetings:

Mr John Carr (Chair of the National Drugs Strategy Steering Committee), Ms. Susan Scally (Principal Officer, Drugs Policy Unit) and a number of guest speakers (including service users) will address participants. There will be opportunity for interactive discussion on the existing strategy and the issues participants think are important to inform the new strategy. All feedback received, during the consultation process and including feedback received during these events will be collated into a Public Consultation Report for the Department of Health. Participants at the events will be invited and encouraged to make a submission during the public consultation period.

More info on consultation period: