Clare PPN Plenaries

The Plenary is the ultimate decision-making body of Clare PPN. All member groups of the PPN are welcome to attend the Plenary meetings, which usually take place twice yearly. All members have an equal say on the running of Clare PPN.

Plenary meetings are an ideal forum for member groups to meet and network and to hear about matters of interest to them. The Plenary meetings facilitate election of PPN Representatives to county policy and decision-making bodies; an update on PPN activity; dialogue on PPN strategy; and the highlighting of local issues.

Recently we have been alternating between in-person and online Plenary meetings. We announce details of an upcoming Plenary by emailing all our members and via our social media channels.

Plenary Minutes

Below are links to the minutes of some of our more recent Plenary meetings. In the coming weeks we will add minutes from previous Plenary meetings.

Plenary minutes March 2024
Plenary minutes November 2023
Plenary minutes December 2022
Plenary minutes July 2022