Draft Submission on Clare’s Draft Climate Adaptation Strategy 2019-2024

Please click on the link below to access our draft submission on Clare County Council’s Draft Climate Adaptation Strategy. We are accepting comments and input on this from our member groups and Clare Environmental Network until Friday 9th August at 12.00 midday- you can send any comments including the heading number and point letter concerned to admin@clareppn.ie and/or sarah@clareppn.ie

Clare PPN Submission in respect of Clare Draft Climate Change Adaptation Strategy August 2019

Join our Big Hello- Clare Intercultural Picnic

 Care PPN, Clare Immigrant Support Centre and Clare Women’s Network invite you to  

  The Big Hello Intercultural Picnic

   Saturday May 4th 2019 2pm – 4.30 Pm Clare PPN Offices, Clonroad Business Park, Clonroad, Ennis.

We extend an invitation to people from Clare, and to people living in Clare from anywhere… so whether you are from Bodyke or Bangalore, Cork or Colombia, from Limerick or Latvia, from Scarrif or South Africa consider yourself invited. We will have vegetarian food from Moonbear Catering, Moroccan food from Laila, henna tattoos and entertainment. And while we are calling it a picnic we have indoor spaces in case it rains!

We want to invite people from all the diverse communities that make up the Clare population to get together and meet us and learn about what our organisations do and how you can be involved and what better way for us to do this than to get together and share food and enjoy ourselves on this holiday weekend.  Our venue is accessible and children are more than welcome in the company of their parents or adult guardians.

Please feel free to bring food or drink from your country to share.

Please get in touch if you have any special requirements for attending and we’ll do our very best to help call or text us on 087 1617375 or email admin@clareppn.ie

We’d also appreciate it if you could call or text to let us know you are attending so we can make sure we have enough food and treats!

Voting Local… 

Did you know that everyone living in Clare since September 2018 is entitled to vote in the forthcoming local elections?  At our Big Hello Multicultural Picnic we will have a voter registration stand so that anyone who needs to register to vote in the local elections which will take place on May 24th can do so. If you’d like to register just bring along some photo ID and proof of address. For people in the international protection system your ID number and blue card is all you need.

Local Election Hustings – meet the candidate and voter registration events

Meet the Candidate and Voter Registration Events

Clare Public Participation Network Press Release

Clare PPN ‘Hustings’: Meet the Candidates & Voter Registration Events

Clare PPN is delighted to be hosting a ‘Meet the Candidates & Voter Registration’ event in each Electoral Area in Clare County Clare in the run up to the 2019 Local Elections. Candidates are invited to address their voters and those attending will be given the opportunity to have their questions answered by the candidates. These events will be MC’d by Peter O’Connell Editor of the Clare Champion, Gloria Callinan of Clare Local Development Company, Fiona McGarry of Clare FM’s Morning Focus programme and Christy Sinclair Secretariat Member of Clare PPN.

At each of these five events Clare PPN in collaboration with An Garda Siochana, will also be hosting a one-stop shop for voter registration where people will be assisted to register for the supplementary register of electors if they are not already registered to vote. This is important for young people, in particular those who have turned 18 or will turn 18 on or before 24th May 2019. All of those who will be 18 or over at the time of the election are eligible to vote so long as they get on the register in time.

Clare PPN would also like to make sure that those who have migrated to Ireland from other countries are aware that they can vote in local government elections regardless of their citizenship so long as they are on the register or the supplementary register and we would like to extend a particular welcome to people from all backgrounds, countries and ethnicities to attend these events and take the opportunity to get even more involved in how the communities they live in are governed.

Anyone concerned should check the register at www.checktheregister.ie to see if they are registered and if not they need to fill in form RFA2 (https://www.checktheregister.ie/PublicPages/AppForms.aspx ) and bring it and photo ID and proof of address to their local Garda Station and have it stamped and return it to Clare County Council before the cut-off point of May 7th 2019.


Or else they can just attend one of the five events listed below and bring their ID and proof of address  with them and we’ll get their registration in order for them with the help of our community Guards.

So come along, inform and be informed!!!

The dates are as follows:

• Killaloe Municipal District: 23rd April @ 7pm, Kilkishen Cultural Centre

• Kilrush Electoral Area: 24th April @ 7pm, An Teach Cheoil, Kilrush

• Shannon Municipal District: 25th April @ 7pm, Shannon Oakwood Hotel

• Ennis Municipal District: 26th April @ 8pm, Cloughleigh Community Centre

• Ennistymon Electoral Area: 30th April @ 7pm, The Falls Hotel

If you have any questions/comments please do not hesitate to email: admin@clareppn.ie





Want to help run Clare PPN? 4 Vacancies on our Secretariat

March 27th 2019 Notice of elections for four roles on Clare PPN Secretariat

Nominations are open for four positions on the Secretariat. The secretariat is a group of people elected from community and voluntary groups in Clare who manage the Public Participation Network between plenary meetings of its members. Four of our current secretariat members are due to step down and so we are opening nominations for their replacements. They have been brilliant and have brought Clare PPN from an idea to a network with 280 member groups, 2 staff and its own premises.  We are looking for nominees to carry on their work of building Clare PPN into a thriving network which is inclusive and has the capacity to engage with all local government and national decision making bodies that affect the wellbeing of people’s lives in County Clare.

Only groups who were members of Clare PPN on March 27th 2019 are eligible to vote in these elections.

The secretariat must keep to the following composition:

One representative for each municipal district in the County – there are currently four municipal districts in the County – West Clare, Ennis, Killaloe & Shannon.  2 X representatives from each ‘college’ of the Clare PPN – there are three colleges in the PPN – Environmental, Social Inclusion and Community & Voluntary. Each of are member groups is a member of one of these colleges.

What are the vacancies we have at present: 

Election 1:
2 Community and Voluntary Secretariat seats are open for the Community and Voluntary College member groups from every area of Clare to nominate and elect-. If your group is a member of the Community and Voluntary College you can nominate and vote for both of these positions.  Nominees must be members of a community and voluntary group that is a member of Clare PPN and must be nominated by a Community and Voluntary group that is a member of Clare PPN.  People can nominate themselves so long as that decision is agreed by their group.  Every C&V member of Clare PPN can nominate one candidate for each of these two positions which means that this time C&V groups can make two nominations.

Election 2:
1 Environmental Secretariat seat is open only for member groups of the Environmental College to nominate and elect. Nominees for this position must be members of an Environmental member group of Clare PPN and must be nominated by an Environmental member group of Clare PPN. Each environmental member group of Clare PPN can nominate one person for this role.

Election 3:
1 Municipal District Seat is open to all member groups from the Shannon Municipal District to elect whatever college they are in.  Nominees for this position must be a member of a Clare PPN member group from any college that has an address in the Shannon Municipal District. They must be nominated by a member group of Clare PPN with an address in the Shannon MD. Every member group of Clare PPN with an address in the Shannon MD can nominate and vote in this election.

Nominations will open March 27th and close on April 8th

How to nominate a candidate:

Groups wishing to nominate a candidate must seek their consent first and then must send us an email to admin@clareppn.ie with the following information on or before Monday April 8th at 5.00 pm:

-Name of Community Group.
-Position number for which they are nominating a candidate.
-Name of proposed nominee(s).
-Contact details of proposed nominee- phone and email.
-A short paragraph (up to 200 words) detailing the nominees’ suitability and experience for the role- this will be shared on social media and on our website in advance of voting.
-A photo of your nominee which we may share with our members and social media followers.
-Clare PPN will confirm receipt of nominations by email.

Elections will then be held by survey with voting open until April 17th. These surveys will be circulated to all eligible groups via our mailing list. 

*Please note that irrespective of how many groups a person is a member of, no individual may vote more than once for any single position. No individual can hold more than one secretariat position.

What is involved?
A minimum of six meetings per year held usually in Ennis
Email or phone contact for decisions in between meetings
Willingness to be a director of Clare PPN (company)
Attendance at other PPN events depending on availability and interests.
Willingness to work in a ‘flat structure’ with decisions taken by consensus or by vote
Possibility of being part of financial subgroup or staff liaison sub group

What are the benefits?
Opportunity to be a part of a growing positive movement in Clare.
Opportunity to help grow participation and civic engagement in Clare.
Opportunity to help provide valuable support to the community and voluntary sector.
Out of pocket expenses paid.
Training opportunities.

Diversity: Clare PPN is committed to working to represent all communities in Clare and as such we would especially welcome nominations to our secretariat from communities who feel under represented. We particularly welcome nominations of young and older people for any of the above roles (the majority of our representatives are between 35 and 65), members of the Travelling Community, those who might themselves experience social inclusion, people with disabilities, LGBTQ, and ethnic minority groups. All nominees who step forward will be subject to election by the relevant PPN member groups.

Governance Bootcamp for Community Groups in Clare March 21st

Governance Bootcamps for Community Groups in Clare – March 21st 2019

Clare Public Participation Network, Clare Volunteer Centre and Clare Local Development Company invite those involved with community groups, charities or non governmental organisations in Clare to attend one of two introductory workshops on Governance and the Charities Governance Code which will take place on March 21st 2019 from 2.00pm to 5.00pm and will be repeated from 6.30 to 9.30pm on the same day.

A further follow up workshop will take place on April 17th 2019 to assist groups with any issues they may have. This workshop will be advertised at a later date.

Why Governance and the Charities Governance Code?

Our three organisations have collaborated to organise these workshops in response to a demand from the groups we have consulted with over the last year who all identified governance and regulation as the main issue they struggle with. We hope that these introductory level workshops will help community groups to gain an understanding of what is expected of them and assist them with identifying areas where further training might be necessary.

What will be covered?

Good governance involves putting in place systems and processes to ensure that your organisation or charity achieves its objectives with integrity and is managed in an effective, efficient, accountable and transparent way.

This training will give an overview of governance and the Charities Governance Code, helping organisations and charities get a handle on what further training or support they may need in this area.

This training is funded by Clare PPN from its budget and to supplement the cost (and to ensure attendence) we are charging €5 per person payable when booking at Eventbrite: https://governance-bootcamp.eventbrite.ie

If your organisation has any trouble with the cost or is unable to make the payment online please contact 087 1617375 or admin@clareppn.ie and we will make alternative arrangements for you. .

Who is delivering the training?

We have contracted the Charmicael Centre in Dublin to deliver this training and the sessions will be conducted by Caroline Egan of Cramden Tech who is Managing Director of Shannon based training and eLearning company, CramdenTECH Ltd. She has almost 20 years experience in the non-profit sector. Her areas of training expertise include corporate governance and compliance, charity management, social enterprise development, business planning, strategic management and communications.

Working Together to Make Clare Better:

Clare PPN, Clare Volunteer Centre and CLDC’s SICAP programme are working together on these events to make the best use of resources available to Community Groups in Clare.