Introducing Clare PPN’s new representatives

Introducing Clare PPN’s nominees for seats on Clare PPN’s Strategic Policy Committees 2019- 2024

Following the local elections in May 2019 Clare County Council’s Strategic Policy Committees had to be reconstituted as per the legislation. These Strategic Policy Committees or ‘SPCs’ for short advise Clare County Council on policies and decisions. By having seats available to outside interests they help to bring in expertise and experience from the community and voluntary, farming, trade union and business sectors. Clare PPN member groups have the role of nominating and electing all the representatives from the Community and Voluntary, Environmental and Social Inclusion sector in Clare who will sit on these committees.

On September 17th following the adoption of the ‘Draft Scheme for Strategic Policy Committees’ by Clare County Council, Clare PPN circulated a call for nominations to all its member groups for the seats we had been allocated on all four strategic policy committees. We received in total 11 nominations for the 11 available seats accross our three colleges. Although this was excellent – the nominations were not exactly aligned with the seats available; in two cases we had two nominees for one seat and none for another. Following discussions with those nominated for those particular seats we were able to reallocate the nominees to ensure that each seat had the proper number of nominees from each college. Following that we are able to announce that the following people are Clare PPNs nominees for seats on the SPCs. They will be put before our member groups for ratification at our plenary meeting on October 9th (7pm Clare PPN offices, Clonroad Business Park, Clonroad, Ennis) and following that will be sent to Clare County Council.

Economic Development SPC

Elaine Dalton – Social Inclusion Representative

Elaine D’Alton is the Project Coordinator of the NCCWN – Clare Women’s Network. Elaine is a feminist with a strong commitment to inclusion, human rights and ensuring the voices of women are brought to the forefront of decision making and their lived experiences are included and considered when structural, political and social policy development is being determined.

Emma Karran – Environmental Representative

Emma Karran is English born and has lived in Doonbeg with her family for four years. Her engagement in topics of local concern began when she became a member of the environmental group Futureproof Clare and joined the protest against the proposed LNG terminal in the Shannon estuary.
A mother herself and with links to the communities in south west Clare through her work, she wants to commit herself to deeper active involvement in the future health and well-being of the people of Clare and its land through being on the Strategic Policy Committee for Economic Development

Rural Development SPC

Annie Wise – Environment College Representative

Anny Wise is nominated by An Taisce Clare branch and was born in Antwerp Belgium in 1942. She moved to Northern Ireland in 1985 and then to Shannon in 1990. She has three degrees and studied in Sussex, Antwerp and NUIGalway. Her latest master is in Rural Development which she completed in 2006. She was first nominated to an SPC in 2006 by the Environmental Pillar and served since having been elected to represent the environment by the PPN. The SPCs she served on were were involved in transport, planning and land use.

Eugene Crimmins – Community and Voluntary Representative

Eugene is a founding member of Newmarket Village Centre Text Alert. He is a committee member and former Chair of Newmarket on Fergus Tidy Towns. A former County Arts Officer, Eugene has a long established record of community development, including having served as a board member of Obair Environmental Development Association and Clare PPN Secretariat.

Jean O’Keefe – Social Inclusion College

Jean is a Youth Work Manager with Clare Youth Service and manages The Junction Youth and Community Building. Clare Youth Service had its beginnings in 1969 when it was established as the Clare Regional Youth Council. Over the years it has changed and developed to become a leader in the field of Youth Services. It is affiliated to Youth Work Ireland (t/a NYF).  The aim of Clare Youth Service is to assist the holistic development of young people and those who work with them so that they are enabled to participate fully in society in a way which respects the equal worth of all.

Physical Development SPC

Padraic Hayes – Social Inclusion Representative

Padraic graduated with a Masters in Marketing from Limerick Institute of Technology and has worked since then in the area of administration and finance. His real passion however lies in advocacy and he is the current Chairperson of the Clare Leader Forum, which is an independent group of people with disabilities who work to create a voice on disability issues in Clare. Padraic has helped the Forum grow from strength to strength and with his support the Clare Leader Forum has now become one of the key cross-disability representative groups in Clare. At a national level Padraic has also continued to promote the rights of people with disabilities through his work with the Center for Independent Living and more specifically through his role on the Value for Money (Transforming Lives) committee

Aishling Wheeler – Environmental Representative 

Aisling is a teacher, perma-culturist, parent and climate activist. She is chairperson of Kilfenora Tidy Towns Committee. She has been involved in many environmental campaigns over the years and is currently working voluntarily with Futureproof Clare and Extinction Rebellion Ireland to raise awareness of the Climate Crisis and prepare our communities for the future.

James Giller – Environmental Representative

James Giller is a First Class Honours graduate of Computer Science from UCC and holds a Master of Engineering from Osaka University, Japan, specialising in robotics. He applies his knowledge of information technology, especially in autonomous systems, to research and engage with relevant environmental and socioeconomic issues such as industrial automation; autonomous, connected and electric vehicles; and data centres and other IT infrastructure.  James has excellent communication skills as well as experience as a representative in the UCC Student Council, where he was awarded Best New Speaker. He has hosted a number of public talks on the climate and biodiversity crisis in Ennis and given interviews on the occasion of a number of rallies and other events to both local and national media. He has also contributed to submissions on past Draft Litter Management and Climate Change Adaptation Plans from Clare County Council. James is involved in a campaign to help Ennis businesses achieve low/zero-waste.

Damon Matthew Wise Âû – Community and Voluntary Representative 

The CEO/National Secretary of NCPD. He has represented people with disabilities and environmental issues at local, county, national and international levels, including to the United Nations. Damon also serves as a secretariat member for Clare PPN and as part of Federation Trust worked with community and voluntary groups to assit them with incorporation.

Social Development SPC

Trudy Leyden – Community and Voluntary Representative

Trudy has a long interest in Social and Cultural policy. She has a Masters of Arts in Politics and has qualifications in Cultural Studies and Literature and has trained with the Clare Adult Basic Education Services and worked as an After School Homework Tutor with the Clare Local Development Company. Trudy is involved in volunteering with many organisations. She has been a Brownie Leader with the reformed Ennis Brownie Branch. She was a volunteer with the Fleadh Committee in both 2016 and 2017. She is the current Secretary with the Quin Community Text Alert Service

Noel Kearney – Social Inclusion Representative

Noel is currently serving as secretary for Clare Leader Forum. He is active in a variety of community groups  and is involved with mental health organisation Shine and with Clare Local Mental Health Forum. He organises discos and social events for people with disabilities and in his spare time he loves collecting records, reading, music, and is a big fan of films.


Notice of Elections for Social Inclusion Seats on Clare County Council’s Strategic Policy Committees

Tuesday 17th September 2019
Call for nominations for Social Inclusion College representatives. Closing date 30th September 2019 5pm.
As some of you will be aware Clare PPN has a number of representative seats on Clare County Council’s Strategic Policy Committees. (SPCS) Following the local elections held in May 2019, it is now necessary for us to hold elections to select representatives to hold these seats. This page deals only with the seats available to our Social Inclusion College member groups of Clare PPN.

What is a Strategic Policy Committee?
The task of each SPC is to assist and advise the Council in the formulation, development and review of policy in a certain thematic area. Each SPC consists of a elected Councillors as well as Business, Farming, Trade Union and Community Interests. Clare PPN is responsible for the nominations and support of all the Community and Voluntary Sector seats. There are currently four separate SPCs organised in Clare County Council. They are as follows:

  • Physical Development SPC – with responsibility for Climate Change, Transportation, Water and Waste Water, Fire and Major Emergency Management.
  • Economic Development SPC – responsible for Economic Development, Planning and Enterprise, Biodiversity
  • Rural Development SPC – responsible for Rural development, Community, Tourism, Broadband, Digital Information and Communications Strategy
  • Social Development SPC – with responsibility for Housing, Arts and Culture, Sports and Recreation.

We are seeking nominations for one Social Inclusion representative for each of the above SPCS (4 x vacancies)

Who can make Nominations?
Every current Social Inclusion College member group of Clare PPN can nominate one person for each of the three representative positions. Once all nominees have been received on September 30th Clare PPN will circulate their details and hold online elections in which all environmental member groups will be invited to vote.

Who can be Nominated?
Any person who is in a Social Inclusion College member group of Clare PPN can be nominated for these positions with the following exceptions

  • Currently serving elected representatives may not be nominated.
  • Anyone who has contested elections in the last year may not be nominated.
  • Those who have declared their intention to stand for general or local election can not be nominated.
  • If someone is nominated and later decides to contest an election they will have to vacate their seat.
  • Any individual can only hold one SPC seat.

What’s involved in being a representative on an SPC for Clare PPN?
The successful candidates will be required attend four SPC meetings per year on behalf of all the Social Inclusion member groups in Clare PPN (plus a brief pre-meeting on the same day at Clare PPN), four Clare PPN plenary meetings per year and the occasional pillar group meeting and or training event. Feedback after each SPC meeting will also be required. Clare PPN will provide support for anyone who decides to take on these positions and travel expenses will be covered by Clare County Council and Clare PPN.

How do you Nominate Candidates?
NB: Please ensure that your group has re-registered in 2019 (you will have received emails to assist this process in the last few weeks). If you have any queries or need further assistance please email
• Member groups from the Social Inclusion College of Clare PPN can nominate one candidate per representative position. If you are not sure which pillar your group belongs to please contact:
• A candidate can only be the nominee for ONE representative position on ONE SPC – in the case that a person is nominated for more than one SPC we will contact them to ask them to select one which they wish to stand for.
• The candidate’s permission must be secured before they are nominated
• A fully completed form (see link below) with a clear photo and a short biography of the nominees (up to 200 words) must be submitted to

Nomination Form Social Inclusion Pillar

• Nominations must be received by 5pm, Monday 30th September 2019 after this date we will contact all members with the full list of candidates and ask for their votes.
Please make sure you do nominate and then vote in these elections- we want to be sure our member groups are fully involved in selecting who they want to represent them on these three SPCs. Please get in touch if any of the above confuses you or if you need any help. You can get us on 087-1617375 or admin@clareppn,ie

Notice of Elections for Community & Voluntary Seats on Clare County Council’s Strategic Policy Committees

Tuesday 17th September 2019
Call for nominations for Community and Voluntary College representatives . Closing date 30th September 2019 5pm.

As some of you will be aware Clare PPN has a number of representative seats on Clare County Council’s Strategic Policy Committees. (SPCS) Following the local elections held in May 2019, it is now necessary for us to hold elections to select representatives to hold these seats. This page deals only with the seats available to our Community and Voluntary College member groups of Clare PPN.

What is a Strategic Policy Committee?
The task of each SPC is to assist and advise the Council in the formulation, development and review of policy in a certain thematic area. Each SPC consists of a elected Councillors as well as Business, Farming, Trade Union and Community Interests. Clare PPN is responsible for the nominations and support of all the Community and Voluntary Sector seats. There are currently four separate SPCs organised in Clare County Council. They are as follows

  • Physical Development SPC – with responsibility for Climate Change, Transportation, Water and Waste Water, Fire and Major Emergency Management.
  • Rural Development SPC – Rural development, Community, Tourism, Broadband, Digital Information and Communications Strategy
  • Social Development SPC – with responsibility for Housing, Arts and Culture, Sports and Recreation.

We are seeking nominations for one Community and Voluntary representative for each of the above SPCS

Who can make nominations?
Every current community and voluntary college member group of Clare PPN can nominate one person for each of the three representative positions. Once all nominees have been received on September 30th Clare PPN will circulate their details and hold online elections in which all environmental member groups will be invited to vote.

Who can be nominated?
Any person who is in a Community and Voluntary college member group of Clare PPN can be nominated for these positions with the following exceptions

  • Currently serving elected representatives may not be nominated.
    Anyone who has contested elections in the last year may not be nominated.
  • Those who have declared their intention to stand for general or local election can not be nominated.
  • If someone is nominated and later decides to contest an election they will have to vacate their seat.
  • Any individual can only hold one SPC seat.

What’s involved in being a representative on an SPC for Clare PPN:
The successful candidates will be required attend four SPC meetings per year on behalf of all the Community and Voluntary Member Groups in Clare PPN (plus a brief pre-meeting on the same day at Clare PPN), four Clare PPN plenary meetings per year and the occasional pillar group meeting and or training event. Feedback after each SPC meeting will also be required. Clare PPN will provide support for anyone who decides to take on these positions and travel expenses will be covered by Clare County Council and Clare PPN.

How do you nominate candidates?
NB: Please ensure that your group has re-registered in 2019 (you will have received emails to assist this process in the last few weeks). If you have any queries or need further assistance please email
• Member groups from the Community and Voluntary College of Clare PPN can nominate one candidate per representative position. If you are not sure which pillar your group belongs to please contact:
• A candidate can only be the nominee for ONE representative position on ONE SPC – in the case that a person is nominated for more than one SPC we will contact them to ask them to select one which they wish to stand for.
• The candidate’s permission must be secured before they are nominated
• A fully completed form (see link below )with a clear photo and a short biography of the nominees (up to 200 words) must be submitted to

Nomination Form Community & Voluntary Pillar

• Nominations must be received by 5pm, Monday 30th September 2019 after this date we will contact all members with the full list of candidates and ask for their votes.
Please make sure you do nominate and then vote in these elections- we want to be sure our member groups are fully involved in selecting who they want to represent them on these three SPCs. Please get in touch if any of the above confuses you or if you need any help. You can get us on 087-1617375 or admin@clareppn,ie

Social Development SPC – 5th September 2018- Trudy Leyden

Social Development SPC – 5th September 2018- Trudy Leyden

Report by Trudy Leyden

Representative Name
Trudy Leyden

Committee Name
SPC Social Development

Date of meeting:
Date / Time 09/05/2018

Your college
Community & Voluntary

Municipal District

Were you asked to raise any issues on behalf of Clare PPN members at this meeting?

Main topics discussed at the meeting:

List any decisions made at the meeting:

Do you require any action to be taken by Clare PPN staff as a result of this meeting?
Dermot Hayes asked a question that went unanswered. It concerned the eviction of Traveller families.

Social Development SPC – 5th September 2018 – Dermot Hayes

Social Development SPC – 5th September 2018 – Dermot Hayes

Report by Dermot Hayes

Representative Name
Dermot Hayes

Committee Name
Clare Older People re on Clare Policing Committee.and SPC on Social Policy

Date of meeting:
Date / Time09/05/2018

Your college
Social Inclusion

Municipal District

Were you asked to raise any issues on behalf of Clare PPN members at this meeting?
Yes about homeless and giving solutions.

Main topics discussed at the meeting
Homeless team. homeless hub, building social affordable housing.

List any decisions made at the meeting:
improve the website. keep building houses.

Do you require any action to be taken by Clare PPN staff as a result of this meeting?
yes —raise awareness on the current issues.

Clare PPN submission in respect of the preparation of a draft Traveller Accommodation Programme 2019-2024

Clare PPN submission in respect of the preparation of a Draft Traveller Accommodation Programme 2019- 2024

August 23rd 2018

Clare Public Participation Network Submission in relation to the assessment of existing and projected Traveller accommodation needs and the preparation of a draft Traveller Accommodation Programme for 2019 – 2024 by Clare County Council.

Clare Public Participation Network welcomes this opportunity to make submissions in relation to the assessment of existing and projected need for accommodation for Travellers in Clare and the preparation of a Draft Traveller Accommodation Programme for 2019 – 2024.


At Clare PPN’s Plenary Meeting of November 30th 2017 the member groups of Clare PPN’s Social Inclusion College listed provision of support to the Travelling community and Traveller’s rights in County Clare as some of the key areas they wished the Clare PPN to focus on for the year ahead.

Clare PPN notes that at present it does not have a specific Traveller organisation amongst its membership and that such an organisation does not currently exist in Clare.  Clare PPN further notes that whilst it continues its efforts to build relationships with the Traveller community in Clare that it does not have the resources to function as a community development organisation or to carry out extensive research into any specific community.


Clare PPN is represented on the Local Traveller Accommodation Consultative Committee (LTACC). It should be noted that the LTACC in Clare has not met since January 2018 and that it requires considerable work, support and flexibility on the part of the Local Authority to develop it into a forum where views can be exchanged and strategic progress made towards ensuring that Travellers have access to culturally appropriate long term accommodation in the county. Clare PPN also considers that it is necessary and beneficial for most settled people who are engaged in the provision of services to the Traveller and other minority communities to undergo some cultural awareness and anti-racism training and is willing to assist Clare County Council in arranging such training for staff in relevant departments in consultation with Traveller groups and other minorities in the County.

Clare PPN further notes that it requested (by email dated Wednesday 15th August 2018) two changes to this phase of Clare County Council’s consultation process and to date has not received a response from that request.

Clare PPN requested firstly that the process should be recommenced in September 2018 in order to take account of the August holiday period and to allow for a more substantial participation by the Travelling community and secondly that the notice of needs assessment should be separated from the call for submissions in relation to the preparation of a draft Traveller Accommodation Programme. Clare PPN requested that these separate aspects should be carried out in sequence rather than simultaneously- with Clare County Council’s accommodation needs assessment being made available to the LTACC and other interested bodies before the deadline for their submissions relating to the preparation of the Draft Traveller Accommodation Programme.

Clare PPN regrets that the above request was not facilitated and notes that in the absence of LTACC meetings it was not possible to request the above changes except within this consultation process.


Clare PPN notes that since the current Traveller Accommodation Programme 2014- 2018 was adopted, that the Traveller Community have been recognised as an Ethnic Minority group. Clare PPN notes that in 2017 a report commissioned by the Department of Justice and Equality found that Travellers as a group experience extreme disadvantage in terms of employment, housing and health and face exceptionally strong levels of prejudice. Clare PPN considers that it is incumbent upon every state organisation to work positively and proactively to improve the experiences and outcomes for Travellers when they access the state services to which they are entitled. The National Strategy for Traveller and Roma Inclusion 2017 states the following

‘There should be adequate provision of accessible, suitable and culturally appropriate accommodation available for Travellers. Delivery of Traveller accommodation should be underpinned by a robust monitoring and evaluation framework, with a view to ensuring full expenditure of funds allocated for Traveller specific accommodation.’’

Clare PPN notes that the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission reported earlier this year that whilst Travellers make up less than 1% of the population in Ireland they account for 9% of the numbers of those experiencing homelessness.

Clare PPN notes from its communications with Travellers and Traveller organisations that they are optimistic and ambitious for the future of their community and believe that issues such as poor access to secure homes and low levels of employment can be improved significantly within the next decade if there is cooperation and lack of opposition from government and local authorities. Clare PPN notes that the Traveller population in Clare as detailed in the last Census (2016) stands at 905 individuals or 271 families as documented in the Annual Estimates of Accommodation of Traveller Families 2017. As Traveller unemployment as surveyed in 2010 stood at 82% and has not significantly decreased since then, it is clear that the provision of homes and other forms of culturally appropriate housing support for some members of the Traveller Community will, for the life of this draft plan 2019 – 2024, continue to be a function of the local authority or national government either directly or through approved housing bodies.

Clare PPN believes that it should be possible to provide secure culturally appropriate homes for the Traveller community in Clare which would help them greatly to achieve their ambitions to progress across all aspects of their lives from education, health including mental health, employment and community resilience. Clare PPN hopes that in the drafting of this Traveller Accommodation Programme 2019- 2024 that Clare County Council will demonstrate their commitment to ensuring that Clare is a place where the Travelling community are valued, respected and are able to improve their own circumstances with the assistance of their local authority.

Living Environment:

Clare PPN recommends that the new Draft Traveller Accommodation Programme would consider both accommodation and the wider living environment for Travellers when planning any new developments or when improving or maintaining existing ones. There should be access to services, transport, sufficient spaces for recreation and physical activity and attention paid to ensuring that Travellers have space to live in extended family groupings if they so wish and continue their hobbies, pastimes and trades as well as having access and opportunities to engage in the wider community and access education and employment. In order to address the severe disadvantage which Travellers experience it will be necessary to build secure sustainable culturally supportive living environments in which families, individuals and children can thrive.

Clare PPN wishes to have it noted that the new Traveller Accommodation Programme is being drafted in the context of a nation-wide housing ‘crisis’. It further notes that this is the first programme to be drafted since the introduction by the Department of Housing of the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) scheme and that there has to date been no analysis of how HAP has served the needs of those from minority communities including the Traveller community.  Clare PPN further notes that the provision of social housing by approved housing bodies has become a mainstay of social housing provision in County Clare and notes that according to reported figures as of 2017 only 4 Traveller families are listed as housed by approved housing bodies in the County.

Clare PPN recommendations for the assessment of existing and projected housing needs:

Clare PPN notes that work has been done this year on a peer to peer needs assessment in the county led Pavee Point and supported by the HSE’s Traveller Health Unit with assistance provided by Clare PPN and CLDC. Clare PPN recommends that if possible the Draft Traveller Accommodation Programme 2019- 2024 should be drafted in light of the findings of this needs assessment when it is complete and available.

Clare PPN also recommends that Clare County Council should make a concerted effort to ensure that the views and experiences in relation to accommodation of the Traveller community in Clare are canvassed before the completion of any assessment of existing and projected need.  Clare PPN notes the following two directions from the guidelines issued by the Department that indicate that this is within the scope and remit of Clare County Council to organise-

‘Additional inquiries as may be necessary, including consultation with Traveller families and any relevant Traveller support groups within the functional area of the authority, to ascertain a comprehensive picture of the existing and projected need for housing accommodation of Traveller families within their area for the period 2019 to 2024 to update their assessment of needs of Traveller families within their area.’

‘’For example, local authority officials may attend or arrange public meetings on Traveller issues and arrange broadly based ad-hoc area committees to address problems arising.’’

Clare PPN recommends that statistics on the following issues should be gathered from the Travelling Community and that policies to address the findings included in the draft programme:

  • Travellers experiencing over-crowding/forced sharing of accommodation.
  • Travellers experiencing homelessness and their experiences of accessing emergency accommodation including bed and breakfasts and hotels.
  • Travellers living in culturally inappropriate accommodation due to a lack of provision/poor standard of Traveller Specific Accommodation.
  • Travellers living in private rental accommodation which does not meet their needs or has not been inspected.
  • Travellers experiences of sourcing private rental accommodation under the current Housing Assistance Payment scheme.
  • The projected needs of young Travellers who may be likely to form new families during the life of the plan.
  • The particular accommodation needs of Travellers experiencing poor health and of people with disabilities within the Traveller Community.
  • The particular and projected needs of ageing Travellers in relation to accommodation.
  • Travellers in unofficial roadside accommodation should be surveyed for their preferences. Clare PPN notes that the guidelines for preparing the 5th Traveller Accommodation Programme include the following statement regarding unofficial or roadside sites:

‘Pending the provision of suitable permanent accommodation, local authorities should review the position of Travellers on the roadside or other unauthorised sites in their functional area in the light of the Guidelines on Basic Services and Facilities for Caravans and seek to improve the position of these families by considering making available such services, including water, toilets and waste removal if there are no significant legal, planning, environmental, social, technical or other restraints in so doing. The question of further closures of traditional or unofficial halting sites should also be reviewed pending the provision of adequate accommodation’.

Transient Sites– Following discussions with the Traveller representatives on the LTACC and with other advocacy groups Clare PPN strongly recommends that the provision of transient sites in Clare should be for the purposes of Travellers who are on the road and moving from place to place as is their tradition and that Transient sites should not be used as accommodation for Travellers who are ordinarily resident in County Clare.

Comments on the preparation of the Draft Traveller Accommodation Programme 2019- 2024.

Following the completion of a comprehensive assessment of existing and projected need by Clare County Council which is agreed between all stakeholders, Clare PPN calls on Clare County Council to draft a new Traveller Accommodation Programme that aims to fully meet all the identified needs.

Clare PPN calls on Clare County Council to zone and plan sufficient developments of all forms of Traveller Specific and general accommodation to meet Travellers’ needs and to immediately begin the process of applying for planning permission and funding for their completion. Clare PPN notes that throughout the current TAP Clare County Council had funding available to it specifically for Traveller Accommodation and that it failed to make full use of these funds. Clare PPN has noted the explanation that delays in planning processes are responsible for this repeated underspend and so calls on Clare County Council to ensure that following the completion of its agreed assessment that it should immediately commence the pre- construction processes for any developments planned and seek department funding for same. Clare PPN also calls on Clare County Council to ensure that its currently planned social housing developments do not change the designation of sites currently designated as Traveller Specific Accommodation without indicating how and where these will be replaced and seeking agreement from those affected.

Clare PPN further calls on Clare County Council to indicate in its Traveller Accommodation Programme whether it intends to continue its use of and funding of Approved Housing Bodies to provide social housing and if so how it intends to ensure that these bodies are resourced and required to provide accommodation to the Traveller Community and on what basis. Clare PPN would welcome a clear indication within the Traveller Accommodation Programme of which aspects of the programme it envisages being delivered by Approved Housing Bodies.


Clare PPN looks forward to continuing to engage in this process and welcomes any communications or queries in respect of this submission.