Notice of Elections for Environmental Seats on Clare County Council’s Strategic Policy Committees

Tuesday 17th September 2019

Call for nominations for four Environmental College representatives . Closing date 30th September 2019 5pm.

As some of you will be aware Clare PPN has a number of representative seats on Clare County Council’s Strategic Policy Committees. (SPCS) Following the local elections held in May 2019, it is now necessary for us to hold elections to select representatives to hold these seats. This page deals only with the seats available to Environmental College members of Clare PPN.

What is a Strategic Policy Committee? 

The task of each SPC is to assist and advise the Council in the formulation, development and review of policy in a certain thematic area. Each SPC consists of a elected Councillors as well as Business, Farming, Trade Union and Community Interests. Clare PPN is responsible for the nominations and support of all the Community and Voluntary Sector seats.  There are currently four separate SPCs organised in Clare County Council. The ones which have Environmental College Seats are as follows:

  • Physical Development SPC – with responsibility for Climate Change, Transportation, Water and Waste Water, Fire and Major Emergency Management.
  • Economic Development SPC -with responsibility for Biodiversity, Economic Development, Planning and Enterprise
  • Rural Development SPC –   Rural development, Community, Tourism, Broadband, Digital Information and Communications Strategy

We are seeking nominations for two environmental representatives for the Physical Development SPC, and one representative each for the Economic Development SPC and Rural Development SPC.

Who can make nominations?

Every current environmental college member group of Clare PPN can nominate one person for each of the four representative positions. Once all nominees have been received on September 30th Clare PPN will circulate their details and hold online elections in which all environmental member groups will be invited to vote.

Who can be nominated?

Any person who is in an environmental college member group of Clare PPN can be nominated for these positions with the following exceptions:

  • Currently serving elected representatives may not be nominated
  • Anyone who has contested elections in the last year may not be nominated.
  • Those who have declared their intention to stand for general or local election can not be nominated. If someone is nominated and later decides to contest an election they will have to vacate their seat.

What’s involved in being a representative on an SPC for Clare PPN:

The successful candidates will be required attend four SPC meetings per year on behalf of all the Environmental Member Groups in Clare PPN (plus a brief pre-meeting on the same day at Clare PPN), four Clare PPN plenary meetings per year and the occasional pillar group meeting and or training event. Feedback after each SPC meeting will also be required. Clare PPN will provide support for anyone who decides to take on these positions and travel expenses will be covered by Clare County Council and Clare PPN.

How do you nominate candidates? 
NB: Please ensure that your group has re-registered in 2019 (you will have received emails to assist this process in the last few weeks). If you have any queries or need further assistance please email


Nomination Form Environmental Pillar

Nominations must be received by 5pm, Monday 30th September 2019 after this date we will contact all members with the full list of candidates and ask for their votes.

  • Member groups from the Environmental College of Clare PPN can nominate one candidate per representative position. If you are not sure which pillar your group belongs to please contact:
  • A candidate can only be the nominee for ONE representative position on ONE SPC – in the case that a person is nominated for more than one SPC we will contact them to ask them to select one which they wish to stand for.
  • The candidate’s permission must be secured before they are nominated
  • A fully completed form (see link below) with a clear photo and a short biography of the nominees (up to 200 words) must be submitted to

Please make sure you do nominate and then vote in these elections- we want to be sure our member groups are fully involved in selecting who they want to represent them on these three SPCs. Please get in touch if any of the above confuses you or if you need any help. You can get us on 087-1617375 or admin@clareppn,ie






Economic Development SPC 9th April 2018

Representative Name

Theresa O’Donohoe

Committee Name

Economic SPC

Date of meeting:
  • Date / Time04/09/2018
Your college
  • Environment
Municipal District
  • West Clare
Were you asked to raise any issues on behalf of Clare PPN members at this meeting?


Main topics discussed at the meeting:

Presentation by Mr. Padraic McElwee, Head of Enterprise, Local Enterprise Office Clare. Update on “National Planning Framework – Ireland 2040” and “National Development Plan”. Update on Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES). South Clare Economic Strategic Development Zone (SDZ) proposal

List any decisions made at the meeting:

That the SPC support the South Clare Economic Strategic Development Zone (SDZ) proposal to the council meeting.

Do you require any action to be taken by Clare PPN staff as a result of this meeting?

No thank you

11/9/2017 Report from Theresa O’Donohoe from the Economic Development Committee Meeting

Report from Clare County Council’s Economic Development Strategic Policy Meeting  of 11th September 2017

Theresa O’Donohoe is Clare PPN’s only representative on the Economic Development Strategic Policy Committee of Clare County Council. She represents the environmental college of Clare PPN but as the only rep on this forum she is always happy to raise any issues of concern or policy on behalf of all of Clare PPN’s members. Her report from yesterday’s meeting is on her blog here:

She can be contacted at if you have any comments or queries about this Committee.


Report by Theresa O’Donohoe from March 27th’s Economic Development Meeting

Report by Theresa O’Donohoe from March 27th’s Economic Development Meeting


Theresa O’Donohoe is Clare PPN’s representative on Clare County Council’s Economic Development Strategic Policy Committee which discusses Enterprise, Planning & Tourism. She is an environmental college representative but because she is our only representative on this committee she keeps her eye on all developments. She reports on all the meetings she attends by using her own blog and her comments are always worth reading.  This is her post from yesterday’s meeting (March 27th 2017)

The next meeting of this committee will take place on May 8th and if there is anything you would like to have raised at it please give me a shout at