Report from Plenary Meeting on February 1st 2017

Report by secretariat member George Atijohn from Clare PPN’s first County Plenary Meeting of 2017.

The meeting started with a welcome message and a brief introduction of what Clare PPN worked on in 2016 which as well as all the routine work of running the PPN included The Green Shoots Gathering – an environmental conference which took place in the Glor Theatre Ennis and which was oversubscribed.

Green Shoots Facebook cover

The #ClareHowAreYa? well-being survey which attracted nearly 400 responses.

facebook event photo copy6 (2)

Clare PPN’s collaboration with the Clare People Newspaper in publishing a special issue of the paper at Christmas which contained Proclamations written by school children from all over Clare. Clare People

Clare PPN also hosted workshops and training for its representatives and secretariat in media skills and mediation and in social media and there are plenty more such events planned for members and representatives for the year ahead.

Questions were asked by the old and new members about the activities of the Clare PPN

The following questions were asked:

  • How much budget can PPN spend on training?  The PPN’s budget was explained with members being told of the amounts which go towards salary, rent and representatives expenses and the remainder being available to fund the PPNs training, promotion and events budget.
  • Is there any tangible outcome from the PPN’s reps participation in the various SPCs that have by now been running for about two years? This question provoked some discussion- with members of the LCDC explaining that many of the changes achieved were incremental and so were difficult to account for. Clare PPN’s resource worker explained that the previous year had mostly focussed on getting everything in place and in order and that 2017 would see the focus change towards making participation as effective as possible.
  • Who controls the marketing budget within the PPN?  The  Secretariat
  • Is there a difference between pillars and colleges? No
  • What does social inclusion mean? This was explained and it was agreed to revisit the definition to ensure that this college is comprised of groups working on poverty reduction, and the active inclusion of marginalised communities.
  • Can you be members of two different groups?  Yes, but you may only be a contact person for one.


The following appointments were ratified at the plenary

  • Graham Lightfoot’s appointment to Clare PPN secretariat
  • Mary O’ Donoghue’s appointment to Clare PPN secretariat
  • Oonagh O’ Dwyer’s election to the Fisheries Local action Group.
  • Eugene Crimmins’ election to the Leader Programme Community Development and Social Inclusion Advisory Committee
  • Ger O’ Halloran’s re-appointment to Clare Sports Partnership.

Members were informed about the vacant seat for the social inclusion on the secretariat, and for the new Rural Development Forum and the LTACC. It was explained that elections will be held to fill the vacant positions beginning in February.

Members of the Clare PPN present split into 3 colleges (Environment, Social Inclusion and Community and Voluntary) to deliberate on their work plan for the year ahead and the suggestions were all compiled for Clare PPN secretariat’s strategy day which takes place on Tuesday 28th Feb. It was agreed that both the environmental and social inclusion colleges would begin to meet as colleges more regularly with the environmental college’s first meeting due to take place on Feb 27th.

Finally two matters of Clare PPN’s policy were decided:

Firstly it was decided that Clare PPN would call for Ireland to ratify the Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities. Ireland is the only country in the EU which has not ratified this convention even though we signed up to it almost ten years ago and this is now an aim of Clare PPN.

Secondly a decision was taken that Clare PPN recognises Housing as a Human Right as defined in the UN Convention on Human Rights and The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and will carry out all its work on housing issues with that in mind.




Invitation to Housing Matters a Workshop By Dr Rory Hearne on November 3rd

Clare Public Participation Network Event Notice:


By Dr Rory Hearne

 What: Housing Matters – Clare Public Participation Network to host workshop on Housing.

When: November 3rd 2016 7.00 PM

Where: McGuire Suite, The Old Ground Hotel, Ennis

Contact: Sarah Clancy, Clare PPN Coordinator on / 087 161 7375

Ireland is in the midst of a housing crisis, rents have spiralled, thousands are homeless and yet there are over a quarter of a million houses empty in the country. If this is something that concerns you Clare Public Participation Network would like to invite you to its next event:  ‘Housing Matters- A workshop on housing policy from Dr Rory Hearne’

We are very lucky to have Dr Rory Hearne who is an academic, author and policy expert in housing coming to deliver the session. Dr Hearne has been at the forefront of researching and advocating a human rights and equality based approach to addressing the housing crisis. He also worked for many years as a community worker and policy advisor on the urban regeneration and human rights project in Dolphin House in Dublin’s inner city.

The whole event will be practical, friendly and informal. It will be chaired by Clare PPN member Mary O’Donoghue, who for her day job is the Coordinator of the West Clare Family Resource Centre. It will aim to make sure that people who are working or who want to work towards fair, sustainable and rights-based housing policies in the county get to meet and to engage with each other around the issues and have a chance to become more informed.

Clare PPN has elected community representatives on Clare County Council’s Housing and Planning Committee and on the Local Community Development Committee and these representatives will be attending the workshop hoping to identify the main issues of concern in the county so that they can raise them on the bodies they sit on.

This event is open to the general public and so everyone is welcome to attend- housing policy affects everyone so please feel certain that you are welcome.


Dr Hearne’s academic, media and policy analysis of housing in Ireland include:

How the Government Should Tackle the Housing Crisis, The Irish Times, May 11th, 2016

The State Must Intervene in the Housing Market, The Irish Times, October 22nd, 2015

Nama is Fuelling High Rents by Pandering to Investors, Irish Times, November 28th, 2014

Hearne, R. & Boyle, M. (2016) Achieving a right to the city in practice: community development and human rights approaches in Dublin’s inner city communities, NIRSA Working Paper No. 79, NIRSA Maynooth

Kitchin, R., Hearne, R., & O’ Callaghan, C. (2015) Housing in Ireland: From Crisis to Crisis, NIRSA Working Paper No. 77, NIRSA Maynooth

Hearne, R. & Kenna, P. (2014) ‘Using the Human Rights Based Approach to tackle housing deprivation in an Irish urban housing estate’, Journal of Human Rights Practice, Vol 6, Issue 1, March 2014, pp 1-25

Hearne, R. & Kenna, P. (2015) Collective Complaint Against Ireland for Sub-Standard Housing Issues on Local Authority Estates, NUI Galway, Council of Europe European Committee of Social Rights

Hearne, R (2014) The importance of standards and community: Tenants experience of social housing in Ireland, in Sirr, L. (ed.) Public and Private Renting in Ireland, Dublin: Institute of Public Administration

Hearne, R. & Redmond, D. (2014) The collapse of PPPs: prospects for social housing regeneration after the crash, in MacLaran, A. & Kelly, S. (eds.) Neoliberal Urban Policy and the Transformation of the City, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

Hearne, R., Kitchin, R. & O’ Callaghan, C. (2014) Spatial justice and housing in Ireland, in Kearns, G. et al. Spatial Justice and the Irish Crisis, Dublin: Royal Irish Academy

Redmond, D. & Hearne, R. (2013) Starting afresh: Housing Associations, stock transfer and regeneration, Dublin: Cluid Housing Association

Hearne, R. (2011) Public Private Partnerships in Ireland: failed experiment or the way forward? Manchester University Press