Wellbeing statements page

Wellbeing Statements

What is a Vision for Community Wellbeing Statement?

Although we often think about wellbeing in terms of good physical and mental health, it can also describe the wider conditions we need as individuals and communities to have a better quality of life, healthier environment and increased prosperity.

Considering all the aspects of community wellbeing together helps us to identify actions that can be undertaken by communities alongside local and national governments to achieve sustainable communities where people’s needs are met.

These Statements are aspirational and represent what our members and participants would like for their communities. They will inform Clare PPN consultations and submissions.

They will also inform our representatives who are mandated through their elections to speak on behalf of the PPN membership on various Clare County Council committees.

How did we draft these Statements?

Initially a survey using the 6 Community Wellbeing headings was circulated to our Member Groups and the community at large. The answers were collated into discussion documents for each Municipal District (MD).

Next, two Community Wellbeing workshops were held in each MD at which the Community Wellbeing concept was presented. Attendees then highlighted the “assets” and aspects of their community that they wish to preserve and protect for current and future generations and the developments and infrastructure they wished to see prioritised. Attendees at these workshops used the survey results as discussion documents.

Draft Wellbeing Statements for each MD and the county as a whole were then produced which were presented for further discussion and comment at the final plenary meeting of 2020

The Draft Wellbeing Statements were then uploaded to the Clare PPN website and circulated to members for a final consultation period. The Wellbeing Statements were ratified by the Clare PPN Secretariat in January 2021.