Clare PPN Publications

Fair Clare: Securing Socio-Economic Rights & a Just Transition in County Clare

This major research project commissioned by Clare PPN in 2023 examined the ongoing and likely future effects on Clare communities of the transition to net zero carbon emissions. It found there is a risk of ‘an unfair transition in the county’ unless measures are taken to address this. The report was jointly authored by Kieran Harrahill and Roisin Greaney from TASC – Think Tank for Action on Social Change who conducted workshops with a wide range of communities in Clare

Towards an Anti-Poverty Strategy for Clare

This ground-breaking report on poverty in Co Clare was authored by Dr Conor McCabe and funded by the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission. This nine-month participatory research project, conducted by Clare PPN and five other organisations, under the guidance of Dr McCabe, aimed to develop an anti-poverty strategy for Co Clare and to address the severe lack of data on poverty in the county and to identify the root causes of poverty.