Join Clare PPN

Join the PPN

Have you read our page about Who can join Clare PPN?

Clare PPN is committed to working from an inclusive, social justice and anti-racist perspective and will not collaborate with or admit any group or individual who promotes the exclusion of, or demeans any other ethnicity, culture, belief, orientation or capacity.

Registration form for Clare Public Participation Network


* These fields are required.

Data Privacy
Clare PPN operates in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and is committed to ensuring your privacy is protected. Clare PPN does not collect any personal data apart from information that you consent to provide to us e.g. by filling in this membership form or contacting us directly. All information gathered by Clare PPN is processed fairly and in keeping with the purposes for which it was obtained.

Clare PPN will not supply the information provided to it to any person or organisation not engaged in PPN work or activities or in the community and voluntary sector in Clare. Individuals or member groups may request to have their personal data supplied to them and/or removed from or updated on the register by giving 30 days’ notice to or by post to the address above.

Clare PPN collects information to enable us to: maintain the PPN membership database; circulate information to member groups and facilitate networking; highlight the work of the PPN and community engagement in Clare.

If you no longer wish to receive correspondence from Clare PPN please email

Data Protection Policy Statement and Data Retention Policy

If you would prefer to submit your registration form by post you can print it here and post it to:
Clare PPN
Clonroad Business Park
Co Clare
V95 N62T